
 2022-12-24 15:58:29

Infrared Remote Control System


Red outside data correspondence the technique be currently within the scope of world drive extensive usage of a kind of wireless conjunction technique,drive numerous hardware and software platform support. Red outside the transceiver product have cost low, small scaled turn, the baud rate be quick, point to point SSL, be free from electromagnetism thousand Raos etc.characteristics, can realization information at dissimilarity of the product fast, convenience, safely exchange and transmission, at short distance wireless deliver aspect to own very obvious of advantage.Along with red outside the data deliver a technique more and more mature, the cost descend, red outside the transceiver necessarily will get at the short distance communication realm more extensive of application.

The purpose that design this system is transmit customerrsquo;s operation information with infrared rays for transmit media, then demodulate original signal with receive circuit. It use coding chip to modulate signal and use decoding chip to demodulate signal. The coding chip is PT2262 and decoding chip is PT2272. Both chips are made in Taiwan. Main work principle is that we provide to input the information for the PT2262 with coding keyboard. The input information was coded by PT2262 and loading to high frequent load wave whose frequent is 38 kHz, then modulate infrared transmit dioxide and radiate space outside when it attian enough power. The receive circuit receive the signal and demodulate original information. The original signal was decoded by PT2272, so as to drive some circuit to accomplish customerrsquo;s operation demand.

Keywords:Infrare dray;Code;Decoding;LM386;Redoutside transceiver

1 Introduction

1.1 research the background and significance

Infrared Data Communication Technology is the world wide use of a wireless connection technology, by the many hardware and software platforms supported. Is a data through electrical pulses and infrared optical pulse switch between the wireless data transceiver technology.

Infrared transceiver products with low cost, small, fast transmission rate, the point-to-point transmission security, not subject to electromagnetic interference and other characteristics that can be achieved between the different products, rapid, convenient and safe exchange and transmission, In short distance wireless transmission have a very distinct advantage.

Infrared transceiver products in the portable product of a great role. At present, the worlds 150 million piece of equipment used infrared technology in electronic products and industrial equipment. medical equipment and other fields widely used. For example, 95% of the notebook computers on the installation of infrared transceiver interface the majority of the cell phone is also the allocation of infrared transceiver interface. With the exchange of quantitative data, infrared data communications will enable cell phone data transmission more convenient. With infrared data transmission technology matures, perfect, low costs, Infrared Transceiver in short distance communications will be more widely applied.

This chapter first describes the infrared transceiver IC design issues to the background and significance. then briefed the infrared data communications technology features and applications, and infrared transceiver product characteristics, domestic and international situation and development trend of the last under infrared remote transceiver system in practical application to establish a task of design orientation.

1.2 Infrared Remote ControlTransceiver System

Infrared remote control system is divided into single-channel and multi-channel remote control. Only a command signal transmission channel, called single-channel remote control system; with more than two instructions signal transmission channel known as a multi-channel remote control system. Relatively simple single-channel remote control, in general, only a launcher directive Key receivers and only one circuit implementation. While in the receiving circuit to add more stable memory circuits that can be activated commands to launch a number of key, so that the receiver circuit multistable memory circuit repeatedly to change the state, to realize many of the functional control, But such a state of change is the order. If we are to achieve an arbitrary control, resort to the use of multi-channel remote control system. Multi-channel remote control can be realized by the object of arbitrary multi-function remote control. As for the choice of several routes and what control methods, according to the actual situation (such as object, operational requirements and cost accounting, etc.) to decide. General infrared remote transceiver system by infrared remote control transmitter signal coding, infrared remote control signal receivers and decoders (or decoder chip MCU) and the external circuit consisting of three parts. Signal transmitter remote control code used to generate pulses of infrared emission-driven output infrared remote control signal, receiver completion of the remote control signal amplification and detection, plastic and demodulation encoding pulse. Infrared remote control coded pulse is going to obtain a continuous serial binary code, and for most of the infrared transceiver system, This serial code as micro-controller of the remote control input signals from the internal CPU completion of the remote control instruction decoder, on the other infrared remote control transceivers, the designers of electronic products, The internal micro-controller of the remote control decoder directive is not accessible. Therefore, people are using infrared encoder / decoder chip and microcontroller developed various generic infrared remote transceiver system, In various equipment in



摘 要




1 绪论

1.1 课题研究的背景及意义





1.2 红外遥控收发系统简介

红外遥控系统分为单通道遥控和多通道遥控。只有一个指令信号传送通道的称为单通道遥控系统;具有两个以上指令信号传送通道的称为多通道遥控系统。单通道遥控比较简单 ,一般来说 ,发射器仅有一个指令键 ,接收器也只有一个执行电路。虽然在接收电路中加入多稳态记忆电路 ,可以根据按动发射器指令键的次数 ,使接收电路中的多稳态记忆电路的状态多次改变 ,实现多项功能控制 ,但是这种状态的改变是顺序进行的。如果要实现一项任意控制 ,就要采用多通道遥控系统。多通道遥控可以实现对被控对象的任意多功能遥控。至于选用几个通道及何种控制方式 ,要根据实际情况(如被控对象、操作要求及成本核算等)来决定。一般的红外遥控收发系统是由红外遥控信号编码发送器、红外遥控信号接收器和解码器(解码芯片或单片机)及其外围电路等三部分构成的。信号发送器用来产生遥控编码脉冲,驱动红外发射管输出红外遥控信号,接收器完成对遥控信号的放大、检波、整形并解调出编码脉冲。红外遥控编码脉冲是一组组连续的串行二进制码,对于一般的红外收发系统,此串行码作为微控制器的遥控输入信号,由其内部CPU完成对遥控指令的解码,对其他各种红外遥控收发电子产品的设计者来说,上述的微控制器内部解码出的遥控指令是不便于利用的。因此,人们利用红外编/解码芯片及单片机研制出多种通用红外遥控收发系统,在各种设备之间进行红外信号的收发。

遥控收发系统一般由发射器和接收器两部分组成。发射器一般由指令键、指令编码电路、调制电路、驱动电路、发射电路等几部分组成。当按下某键时 ,指令编码电路,产生相应的指令编码信号 ,编码指令信号对载波进行调制 ,再由驱动电路进行功率放大之后由发射电路向外发射经过调制的指令编码信号。接收器一般由接收电路、放大电路、解调电路、指令译码电路、驱动电路、执行电路等几部分组成。接收电路将发射器发射的已调制的编码指令信号接收下来 ,并进行放大后送解调电路。解调电路将已调制的编码信号解调下来 ,即还原为编码信号。指令译码器将编码指令信号进行译码 ,最后由驱动电路来驱动执行电路实现各种指令的操作控制。

1.3 红外遥控收发器产品概况











2 红外通信的基础知识



红外线实质上是一种电磁波。从分析自然界中各种电磁波组成的波可知,波谱是由 :射线,x射线、紫外线、可见光、红外线、微波和无线波组成的。从形式上看,它们之间似乎没有关系,但如果按照他们的波长依次排列,就会发现和我们形影不离的可见光只占了整个波谱中0.38mu;m-0.76mu;m长的这么一点儿范围,而和可见光相邻的红外线 (包括远红外线、中红外线和近红外线外)却占了波谱中0.76mu;m-1000mu;m的一大段。其中微米波长范围内又包括了紫外光 、可见光、近红外、中红外 、远红外、微波。


众多应用中的一部分,目前在家用电器中广泛应用的彩电遥控器、录像机遥控器、 VCD遥控器、高保真音响遥控器等,都采用了红外线遥控,它使这些家用电器的控制变得十分简单方便。


红外线是介于可见光和微波之间的一种电磁波,因此它具有相临波的某些特性。在近红外区,它和可见光相邻,因此具有可见光的某些特性,如直线传播、反射、折射、散射、衍射、可被某些物体吸收以及可以通过透镜将其聚焦等。在远红外区,由于它邻近微波区,因此它具有微波的某些特性,如较强的穿透能力和能贯穿某些不透明物质等。在自不论任何物体,然界中,也不论其本身是否发光 (指可见光) 只要其温度高于绝对零度 (-273℃),都会一刻不停地向周围辐射红外线。只不过是温度较高的物体辐射的红外线较强,温度低的物体辐射的红外线较弱。因此红外线的最大特点是普遍存在于自然界中,又叫做热辐射线简称热辐射。红外线摄像、红外线夜市、热释电红外探测以及某些导弹的瞄准等就是利用红外线的这一特性工作的。


由于红外线为不可见光 ,因此对环境影响很小。再由红外光波的波长远小于无线电波的波长 ,所以红外线遥控不会影响邻近的无线电设备。另外波长小于 1.5mu;m 的近红外光 ,在透明大气中的传输特性要比可见光好得多 ,而且由于它靠近可见光的红光边缘 ,其直线传播、反射、折射和被物质吸收等物理特性与可见光非常相似。因此 ,它可以使用与可见光类似的聚焦透镜等光学装置。由于红外线遥控不具有像无线电遥控那样穿过障碍物去控制被控制对象的能力 ,所以 ,在设计家用电器的红外线遥控器时 ,不必要像无线电遥控那样 ,每一套(发射器和接收器)要有不同的遥控频率或编码(否则 ,就会隔墙控制或干扰邻居的家用电器) ,所有同类产品的红外线遥控器 ,可以有相同的遥控频率或编码 ,而不会出现遥控信号“串门”的情况。这对于普及红外线遥控提供了极大的方便。红外线为不可见光线 ,具有很强的隐蔽性和保密性 ,因此 ,在防盗、警戒等安全保卫装置中也得到了广泛地应用。红外线遥控具有结构简单、制作方便、成本低廉、抗干扰能力强、工作可靠性高等一系列优点 ,是近距离遥控、特别是室内遥控的优选遥控方式。



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