
 2022-12-18 15:27:11

Cultural Linguistics and linguistic relativity


This article aims to contribute to scholarly attempts to clarify the claims made by the early proponents of linguistic relativity. It also presents an account of the recently developed area of Cultural Linguistics and outlines how the scope of this multidisciplinary area of research differs from that of studies dedicated to linguistic relativity. For example, while linguistic relativity has been viewed as presenting a lsquo;hypothesisrsquo; or a lsquo;theory complexrsquo; regarding the relationship between thought and language, Cultural Linguistics offers a theoretical and analytical framework that focuses on examining features of language that encode conceptualisations rooted in the cultural experiences of speakers. The basic premise underlying the approach of Cultural Linguistics is that certain features of human languages are entrenched in such cultural conceptualisations as cultural schemas, cultural categories, and cultural metaphors.


Cultural Linguistics

Linguistic relativity

Language and thought

Linguistic determinism

1. Introduction

Linguistic relativity is commonly defined as lsquo;the claim that the words your language gives you determine and limit what it is possible for you to thinkrsquo; (Leavitt, 2015, p. 19; see also Wolff and Holmes, 2011). This strong view of the relationship between language and thought has sparked a significant amount of theoretical debate and empirical research over the past 60 years. However, there is no consensus about whether or not the proponents of linguistic relativity, in particular Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf, held such a strong view regarding the influence of language on thought. Leavitt, for example, notes that

none of the actual proponents of linguistic relativity made such claim; on the contrary, no language, they insisted, puts limits on what it is possible to conceptualize – while they continued to demonstrate a seductive power of established language patterns to offer easy-to-follow mental paths. (Leavitt, 2015, p. 19)

Leavitt (2015, p. 25) admits, however, that lsquo;[b]oth Whorf and Sapir indulged in some language that sounds highly deterministic, and it is these passages that are the most frequently quoted.rsquo; In this article, I will examine these passages and attempt to shed some light on the kinds of claims that they give rise to. I will then outline what makes Cultural Linguistics distinct from linguistic relativity. This discussion will be more intelligible if the reader has a basic understanding of the nature of Culture Linguistics from the beginning. I will therefore begin by giving an overview of the development of Cultural Linguistics, and clarifying and exemplifying some of its basic tools.

2. Cultural Linguistics

Cultural Linguistics is a discipline with multidisciplinary origins that explores the relationship between language and cultural conceptualisations (Sharifian, 2011, Sharifian, 2014, Sharifian, 2015). In particular, Cultural Linguistics explores the features of human languages that encode culturally constructed conceptualisations of human experience. Cultural Linguistics offers both a theoretical framework and an analytical framework for investigating the cultural conceptualisations that underlie the use of human languages. Cultural Linguistics has drawn on several other disciplines and subdisciplines to develop its theoretical basis. In particular, the notion of cultural cognition has afforded an integrated understanding of the concepts of lsquo;cognitionrsquo; and lsquo;culturersquo; as they relate to language (e.g., Sharifian, 2008, Sharifian, 2011). This notion offers a multidisciplinary understanding of cognition that moves beyond the level of the individual mind and its associated notions, such as lsquo;mental representationrsquo; (e.g., Clark and Chalmers, 1998, Sutton, 2005, Sutton, 2006, Wilson, 2005). Cultural cognition is a form of enactive cognition (外文文献翻译

本文旨在促进学术上的尝试,以澄清语言相对论的早期支持者提出的主张。 它还介绍了最近发展起来的文化语言学领域,并概述了这一多学科研究领域的范围与致力于语言相对论的研究有何不同。 例如,虽然语言相对论被视为关于思想与语言之间关系的“假设”或“理论复杂”,但文化语言学提供了一个理论和分析框架,侧重于研究编码根植于其中的概念化的语言特征。 发言者的文化体验。 文化语言学方法的基本前提是人类语言的某些特征在文化图式,文化范畴和文化隐喻等文化概念中得到了巩固。




作为文化认知的核心方面,语言是一个言语社区文化认知的“集体记忆库”(wa Thiongo,1986)。语言的许多方面都是由语言社区历史不同阶段盛行的文化认知所塑造的。换句话说,这些方面可能在随后的语言实践中留下痕迹。从这个意义上讲,语言可以被视为“存储”和传播文化认知的主要机制,既可作为记忆库,也可作为文化认知(重新)传播的流动载体。


在本节中,为了更好地理解文化语言学的分析工具,我提供了土着英语研究中的文化概念化实例,这是澳大利亚土着人使用的各种英语。在这个品种中,诸如“家庭”,“家庭”和“对不起”等日常用语唤起了土着英语使用者的文化图式和类别,这些都是土着文化体验的特征。这些词语所固有的文化概念与那些与英国 - 澳大利亚人使用相同术语的文化概念形成鲜明对比(Malcolm and Sharifian,2002,Sharifian,2005)。例如,“家庭”一词与土着英语中的类别有关,这些类别远远超出了英澳文化中所谓的“核心”家族。经常与土着人接触的人可以使用亲属称为“兄弟”或“堂兄”或“表兄弟”(Malcolm and Sharifian,2007,p.381)。 “妈妈”这个词也可以用来指那些在英澳文化中被称为“阿姨”的人。亲属术语的这种使用并不仅仅停留在分类层面,而是通常会唤起与相关人员之间的某些权利和义务相关的模式。原住民英语中的“家”这个词唤起的类别通常更多地基于家庭关系,而不是对特定建筑的拥有或态度,这通常是英澳核心家庭“家”概念化的特征。例如,英国土着居民可以将他们的祖父母的地方称为“家”。

有时Kardiya [即非原住民]的人们,当他们在对不起时,他们为Yapa(即土着)人们感到难过,这意味着他们与我们分享他们的悲伤,这真的很好。 (来自国家之心的声音 - 第1部分,见http://f2bae8f76cf89d9d9d6280f87cfa5fbf.vpn.nuist.edu.cn)

如上所述,土着人与土地之间关系的概念化是“土地拥有我们”和“土地使我们成长”。这里的一般基本概念化是土地作为祖先,而从英国 - 澳大利亚人的角度来看,主导的理解是“土地是可以买卖的财产”。土地作为人类的另一个密切相关的原住民概念化,反映在以下土着长老的摘录中:

在上文中,人们看到说话者将土地描述为能够与人交谈,照顾他们并为他们提供服务。例如,土地通过向人们提供自然事件的线索来实现这一点,例如花朵的绽放和植物的颜色变化。土地的这种特征与土地作为近亲的概念化是一致的,特别是作为母亲或父亲。虽然所有这些观念都反映了不同的世界观,因此对于英澳英语来说是陌生的,但对于尊敬的听众来说,没有一个是难以理解的。如果盎格鲁 - 澳大利亚人有机会向他们解释这些意义,他们很可能会改变他们与土着对话者交往时所传达的内容的理解。这是跨语言社区如何协商文化意义的一个例子。根据文化语言学范围的这一概述,下面的部分首先介绍语言相对论,其中将探讨其先驱者的几个引用。然后阐述了区分文化语言学与语言相对论的要点。


[2]F. Sharifian(Ed。),劳特利奇语言和文化手册,劳特利奇,伦敦和纽约(2015),第417-430页

[4]B.G. 布朗特(Ed。),语言,文化和社会:一本读物书,Waveland出版社[扩展了1974年的重新发行],Prospect Heights,IL(1995)

[6]F. Sharifian(Ed。),劳特利奇语言和文化手册,劳特利奇,伦敦和纽约(2015),第294-308页







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