
 2022-12-18 15:25:58


作者:Atsuko Kurogi

论文:Culture Teaching in Japanese Language Education: A Descriptive Study[D]. Portland State University, 1998.


Page31-35 The Role of Culture in Linguistics and Foreign Language Education

Page66-72 Research on Culture Teaching in Foreign Language Education



The Role of Culture in Linguistics and Foreign Language Education

The keynote speech at the Pacific Northwest Council for Foreign Languages (1997, April) addressed the integration between foreign language teaching and culture under the title, 'Language, Culture and Structure.' The speaker listed anthropology, history, geography, literature and arts as culture, and advocated that these subjects should be incorporated into the foreign language curriculum under the name of culture teaching. The message of the speech emphasized the integration between foreign language teaching and literature. After all, neither the aspects of subjective culture nor intercultural communication were included in cultural studies, and these words were not even mentioned by the speaker nor the audience. Without clarifying the definition of culture, both the speaker and the audience carried on the dialogue, and used the word 'culture' over and over again. Clarification of the meaning of culture was recognized only at the end when a teacher stood up and asked what they meant by culture. Unfortunately, her question gained neither sufficient attention nor a satisfying answer.

There is a tendency to assume that language teachers are teaching only objective culture, and subjective culture and intercultural communication are often left out (Kurogi, 1995a, 1995b; J. Bennett, personal communication, July 13, 1996). Damen (1987) said that many teachers were not sure what to teach. Theoretically speaking, teachers need to know the necessity of teaching culture and its significance. According to Byram (1989), 'Language teaching has therefore always and inevitably meant, in fact, language and culture teaching' (p. 5). Thus, language and culture learning are each side of one coin, and 'Language learning implies and embraces culture learning' (Damen, 1987, p. 4). However, the problem is that there is not a clear definition of culture in the fields of linguistics and language education.

From the linguistic perspective, Knapp and Knapp-Potthoff (1987) stated, 'In most of the work done under the label of intercultural communication, the notions of culture and intercultural communication are very broad and vague, indeed' (p. 3). This kind of misperception seems come from the misunderstanding of intercultural communication itself. Paulston (1992) said, 'Intercultural communication is the communication between two (or more) speakers who do not share the same set of communicative competence' (p. 116). The discrepancy is apparent in the definitions of culture and intercultural communication in the two fields of language and intercultural communication.

Taking a closer look at what culture is between linguists and language teachers, communicative competence is the concept which brought their attention to other variables beyond linguistic systems in order to acquire language. According to Canale and Swain (1980) and later Canale (1983), communicative competence has four components: grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence. Sociolinguistic competence is usually perceived as a culture-related area; however, 'culture' is not necessarily mentioned as a component of sociolinguistic competence. Brown (1994) stated that sociolinguistic competence is defined as the knowledge of the sociocultural rules of language and discourse. Savignon (1983) described sociolinguistic competence as appropriateness of a particular utterance within a particular context. Bonvillains (1993) definition of communicative competence emphasized cultural rules as the appropriate use of language. Since linguistics is a science of language, linguists emphasize the systematic rules or patterns of language itself, instead of understanding cultural values behind the rules and communication processes. Learning cultural values and explaining cultural variability are not clearly acknowledged in the curriculum and instruction of acquiring communicative competence. It is ironic that the emphasis of language acquisition and a communicative approach shifts the cultural component away from the attention that it deserves. In other words, culture seems to be imbedded in the notion of 'sociolinguistic competence' (acquiring rules and patterns), as if culture was a part of the linguistic systems.

This attitude might influence language teachers way of treating culture in their classrooms. They may have an awareness of teaching sociolinguistic rules under the name of communicative competence or communicative language teaching, including the notion of culture teaching, and perhaps they are practicing it. However, the danger lies in the belief that teaching sociolinguistic rules or objective culture is sufficient in terms of culture teaching. Teaching cultural variability, what is behind culturally different communication behavior and how to interpret those differences, are hardly discussed among linguists or language teachers. Furthermore, when the cultural dimension is defined to include cultural values, acculturation and intercultural communication competence, many teachers do not have a clear idea of what and how to teach. This is because they probably do not have such a concept and perception about culture between many linguists and language educators due to the lack of interdisciplinary work between the field of language and intercultural communication, and that teacher education does not include these concepts. As a result, learning and explaining cultural var



作者:Atsuko Kurogi

论文:日语教育中的文化教学 描述性研究

选段:ChapterⅡ 文献回顾

Page31-35 文化在语言学和外语教育中的作用

Page66-72 外语教育中的文化教学研究





有一种倾向认为语言教师教的只是客观文化,主观文化和跨文化交际经常是被忽略的(黑木,1995a,1995b;班尼特,个人交流,1996.7.13)。达门(1987)认为许多教师并不确定该教什么。从理论上讲,教师需要了解所教授的文化的必要性及其意义。根据拜拉姆(1989)的结论,“所以,语言教学总是不可避免地意味着语言和文化教学”(p.5)。因此,语言和文化学习就像一枚硬币的两面,“语言学习暗含了文化学习。” (达门,1987,P.4)。但是,问题是在语言学和语言教育领域中对于文化还没有一个明确的定义。

从语言学的角度来看,纳普和纳普波托夫(1987)认为,“在大多数 lsquo;跨文化交际rsquo;标签下的工作中,lsquo;文化rsquo;和lsquo;跨文化交际rsquo;的概念非常宽泛模糊,这确实如此”(P.3)。这种误解似乎来自对跨文化交际本身。鲍尔森(1992)认为,“跨文化交际是在两位(或多位)不持有同一种交流能力的交流者之间的沟通。” (p.116)在语言和跨文化交际这两个领域中,它们在定义上的差异是显而易见的。

细看语言学家和语言教师之间的文化是什么,我们会发现交际能力是通过把这些人的注意力引向语言系统之外从而来获得语言的这样一个概念: 卡纳和斯温(1980)的研究以及卡纳后来的研究(1983)中,他们认为交际能力有四个组成部分: 语法能力、语篇能力、社会语言学能力和策略能力。社会语言学能力通常被认为是一个与文化相关的领域;然而,“文化”并不一定是社会语言学能力的组成部分。布朗 (1994)指出,社会语言学能力被定义为对语言和语篇的社会文化规则的知识。塞维尼 (1983)将社会语言学能力描述为特定语境中特定话语的恰当性。波威廉(1993)对交际能力的定义中则强调文化规则决定了语言运用的恰当性。由于语言学是一门语言科学,语言学家强调的是语言本身的系统规则或模式,而不是理解规则和交际过程背后的文化价值。在培养交际能力的课程和教学中,对文化价值的学习和文化差异的解释还没有得到明确的认识。让人感到讽刺的是,对语言习得和交际方式的强调反而使文化成分没有得到其应有的重视。换句话说,文化似乎根植于“社会语言学能力”(获取规则和模式)的概念中,就好像文化是语言系统的一部分。




对于文化教学课程设置和教学定位的研究较少。乔斯塔德等人(1996)认为,20世纪80年代的主要研究重点是由美国外语教学委员会(ACTFL)所领导的对于口语能力测试方面的发展工作。这一趋势似乎在该领域仍然存在。因此,“很少有研究指向如文化学习的其他目标,因为这些目标看似不太重要,难以掌握”(p.12)。由美国教育部资助的国际研究项目对语言教育中的文化教学进行了一项研究,并开始了初步文献检索,共被引用3000多次。这被缩小到66篇理论文献和65篇文化教学研究文献。在查阅文献后,此项目组所担心的一点恰恰得以证明:“目前,理论、研究以及实践环节薄弱”(p.3) 虽然文化教学研究的不足是显而易见的,但是我们所要做的第一步应当是回顾一下对于两个相关领域的研究。相关领域包括:(a)学生的文化学习;(b)教师对语言和文化教学的看法。


美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)全球意识调查报告称,在北美的高等教育学生中,外语能力与跨文化知识、同理心或对其他文化的偏爱之间的相关性非常低(国际教育交流理事会,1993)。这一结果提醒我们,无论是学习语言还是出国留学都不一定意味着你能够获得文化能力(伯特,金斯伯格,克兰奇, 1991;罗宾逊,1978)。拜拉姆(1989)还得出结论,学生的海外留学经历并不一定会减少他们对东道国文化的刻板印象,除非他们已经了解了一些有关于这个国家的背景文化知识,这些文化知识就能够帮助他们进行跨文化的生活体验。此研究并没有反映出学生的语言熟练程度或进步空间;然而,我们可以推断出来,语言的熟练与一个人所掌握的文化知识并不总是正相关的。

回顾这项研究,我们可以发现,关键问题是:外语教师们是否在努力教授文化知识?外语教师对文化教学有什么看法? 无论教师们是否在进行文化教学,教师的看法是否与当前的实践相关?如果他们进行了文化教学,他们会教些什么内容?他们会以什么样的方式来进行文化教学?


斯托德斯基和格罗斯曼(1995)采用调查的方法从三个维度调查了高中教师对其所在领域(英语、社会研究、科学、数学和外语)的认知,这三个维度分别是:定义、顺序性和静态性。结果表明,外语教师认为他们所在的领域是定义明确的、有序的,并且外语知识体系是静态的。对于这些结果的解释刚好印证了外语教师可能会忽略文化方面这一问题,教师认为他们的领域是语义、句法和社会语言学知识的静态体,这些都是获得交际能力所必需的;同时,教师在探索创新课程和教学指导上可能会限制自我的想法(乔斯塔德等,1996)。事实上,其他研究也报道了一小部分外语教师把文化教学放在首位的这种情况,这也非常令人担忧(库伯, 1985;戴维斯amp;马克汉姆, 1991;沃尔夫amp;赖尔登, 1991)。

库伯(1985)开展的全国教师关注调查显示,在教师关注的问题中,教学文化排在第八位。戴维斯和马克汉姆(1991)针对学生对外语教育的态度进行了一项全国性的调查,发现54%的学生认为文化教学被忽视了,他们希望能够更多地强调文化方面的内容。对于教师想法优先还是学生想法优先的问题是存在争议的(戴维斯amp;马克汉姆, 1991;哈德利,1993;沃尔夫amp;赖尔登, 1991),这似乎是因为教师对包括文化在内的外语教学与学习的态度和看法。赖安(1994)的结论是,教师对文化的看法影响着他们的文化教学实践。在文化教学中,需要更多基于课堂的研究来检验教师对课程和教学指导的执行情况,正如对与教师态度或看法的研究一样。


池田 (1992)在报告中说到,同样是在日语课堂中学习的美国高中生,他们从日本籍老师那里学习到的文化因素比他们从非日籍老师那里学习而来的要显得更含蓄丰富。学生对文化的理解也受到他们老师看法的强烈影响,无论老师是美国人还是日本人。她的研究重点是日语教学中的内隐课程;日本教师与美国教师对美国高中生日语教学的比较。然而,日语课堂文化教学的显性课程和显性教学尚未得到研究。通过对显性课程和显性教学的研究,我们可以更详细地了解文化教学在日语教学中的地位。





Jooyeon Kang(2012)从韩国的英语教学角度出发,表明语言被教授的不仅应当是本身,还应当包含背后的社会文化。Atsuko Kurogi(1998)肯定了文化教学对语言教学的积极作用,并强烈建议各领域改进外语教育中的文化教学。Roumiana Ilieva(1997)在总结前人成果的基础上提出“文化探索”一词以帮助语言学习者意识到语言和文化之间的必然关系。




It is not uncommon to see research on culture teaching in academic circles, but there are not many successful research results on folk culture teaching, especially the research on dividing Chinese folk culture into regions for teaching.

From the perspective of English teaching in South Korea, Jooyeon Kang (2012) indicated that language should not only be taught itself, but also include the social culture behind it. Atsuko Kurogi (1998) affirmed the positive role of cultural teaching in language teaching and strongly suggested that cultural teaching in foreign language education should be improved in various fields. Roumiana Ilieva (1997) proposed the word 'cultural exploration' on the basis of summarizing previous achievements to help language learners realize the inevitable relationship between language and culture.

In the compilation of folk culture textbooks, Lv Mei (2015), Hao Xiaoran (



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