
 2022-12-12 16:43:05

Research on Deposit Insurance System and Its Influence

As one of the parts of the financial safety net, the deposit insurance system has played a very important role in protecting the interests of depositors, enhancing the trust of the depositors and maintaining the security of the financial system. The deposit insurance system was officially established in the United States in 1993 Established to the present, the world has more than 100 countries to establish the system.

In the economic and financial globalization and the rapid development of today, how to ensure the safe and efficient operation of financial security has become an unavoidable problem. As a kind of institutional arrangement to ensure the financial security of banks and other depository institutions, the deposit insurance system has been recognized by more and more countries. In simple terms, the deposit insurance system refers to a series of safeguards and management measures needed to maintain the stability of the financial system, protect the interests of depositors, and provide insurance for deposits deposited by commercial banks and other depository institutions. Deposit insurance is prevalent in the world, largely based on its successful experience in the United States. The deposit insurance system was first appeared in the United States unique financial system is inseparable from the 1930s crisis also played a catalytic role, during which a large number of bankruptcy bankruptcy, the interests of the majority of depositors and confidence have been hit. Forcing the US Congress to quickly pass the 'Grice - Steagall Act' and the establishment of the worlds first deposit insurance institutions - the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. A country whether to establish a deposit insurance system, the appropriate establishment, which Economic and financial development level, but also with the deposit insurance system selected by the specific model is directly related.

(A) Overview of the deposit insurance system

The deposit insurance system refers to the establishment of insurance institutions in the financial system, compulsory or voluntary absorption of insurance premiums deposited by banks or other financial institutions, the establishment of deposit insurance reserves, once the insured person suffered a risk accident, provided by the insurance agency to the insured Financial rescue or system of payment of part or all of the deposit directly from the insurance institution to the depositor. The establishment of the deposit insurance system is, first and foremost, to eliminate the systemic risk caused by the bank squeeze. The third is to establish a reasonable process to deal with a problem bank to facilitate the poor management of financial institutions to withdraw from the market, to reduce the 'bank too large and the bank is too large, Can not fail 'moral hazard. In addition, some deposit insurance agencies also perform the functions of the lender of last resort and the supervisory authority.

The deposit insurance system originated in the United States. The United States in 1933 took the lead through legislation to establish a deposit compulsory insurance system, the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Since the 1970s, the deposit insurance system has accelerated to expand to emerging market economies. Of the 183 member countries of the IMF, 67 have adopted a dominant deposit insurance system, while other countries have adopted varying degrees of recessive insurance.

The deposit insurance institution has the external manifestation form of the commercial insurance company, actually undertakes the liability of the deposit institution to the public deposit, and carries out the economic compensation function. The highest decision-making body of the deposit insurance company is the company management committee, the committee member may be nominated by the central bank governor, the chairman elected by the committee, appointed by the State Council prime minister. In order to strengthen the supervision of its operation, the company also set up a board of supervisors, supervisors, the central bank governor and the finance minister on a regular basis; members may be the relevant financial management departments, depository representatives, financial experts and other components.

(B) the history of the deposit insurance system and the latest development

The prevalence of the deposit insurance system in the world is largely based on its successful experience in the United States. The history of deposit insurance dates back to 1929 ~ 1933 during the big crisis, when the United States a total of 9096 bankruptcy closed, the interests of the majority of depositors have been hit. Forcing the US Congress to quickly pass the 'Grice - Steagall Act' and established the worlds first deposit insurance institutions - the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Although the former Czechoslovakia had established a deposit insurance system, due to lack of insurance, in 1924 to stop the operation. Since the former Czechoslovakia deposit insurance system was established for a short time and not representative, it was generally recognized that the United States was the first country in the world to formally establish deposit insurance. A definite conclusion is that there is neither a so-called best practice applicable to each economy nor a best-of-breed practice that can be used for any period of development in an economy. As a precedent for the deposit insurance system in the United States, after several changes, the deposit insurance system than the beginning of the implementation has improved a lot, in order to maintain the stability of the banking system has played a great role in the operation has been more standardized, but still can not say Is already a fully stylized system.

Whether a country to establish a deposit insurance system, when t


















美国存款保险制度建立至今,已有70 多年的历史,在这期间,无论是国际经济环境还是美国国内的银行体系及金融监管都发生了重大的变革,存款保险制度也历经几次改革,美国存款保险制度也同样存在弊端:













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