
 2022-12-09 10:00:51

Under the Current Global Financial Crisis, College Graduates Employment Policy

Orlando Tucker ,Keele University

In the current global financial crisis, the college graduates 'employment difficult' issue has become college students, parents, colleges and universities and the community of common concern. Difficulties caused by employment of university students are many reasons, and only careful study of the causes leading to the difficult employment situation of university students in order to develop effective countermeasures to address the social problems.

1. The financial crisis in 2009 even more severe employment situation of university students

Since the second half of 2008 since the current global financial crisis to Chinas tremendous employment pressure. Such employment pressure comes from the financial crisis on the employment impact of the two groups, one for the employment impact of migrant workers, and second, for university graduates employment. Quantitative point of view, the impact of the financial crisis, migrant workers is much larger than university graduates, however, the typical dual economic structure in China, making the reservoir in rural areas as urban employment has played a buffer role, unemployment, migrant workers can return shortly rural areas. For university graduates, the situation is different, they need to find a job after leaving school. Of migrant workers and university graduates in the two employment groups, the employment of migrant workers will increase with economic growth and rapid mitigation, or even re-emergence of the phenomenon of shortage of migrant workers. However, for university graduates, the situation is not so optimistic about the financial crisis a few years prior to the outbreak, despite the economic situation is good, however, the difficult problem of employment of college graduates has always been more outstanding. In fact, since 2003, college students the difficult problem of employment has been a hot issue of social concern. 2009 university graduates in recent years to the most disadvantaged in terms of the year. From the supply side, the data show that in 2009 China will have 6.11 million university graduates, 520,000 compared with an increase in 2008. In addition, as of 2008, there are 1.5 million college students have graduated not find work, they will look for graduates with employment opportunities, which makes university graduates in 2009 is facing more intense competition. From the demand side, by the financial crisis and the impact of the economic cycle, with enterprises as the main employer demand for university graduates will be decreased significantly. College graduates that the phenomenon of unemployment in 2009, more prominent.

2. College students a number of difficult employment Analysis

(A) Students their own reasons

1.employment, high expectations

High expectations of employment is difficult to form one of the main employment of university graduates, which leads to employment, the main reason for high expectations is the cost of undergraduate education input-output imbalance both students and parents on the post-employment wages and high expectations placed in order to recover as soon as possible investment in human capital. Especially those with low income levels of people, food and clothing over the years even at the cost debt to support their children to college with the hope that their children work after graduation to get the corresponding return pass to change their status, identity, find a decent salary job. Some college students are not find a job, but could not find satisfactory work. In careers, they tend to wages, housing conditions, promotion promotion, whether in the provincial capital cities or coastal cities, work as a prerequisite for employment. Some students, such as blind to the civil service, public institutions and other 'decent' posts squeeze, neglect and discrimination against the more 'humble' some of the occupations; also have a lot of people are afraid to the grassroots level and poor remote areas, are reluctant to enterprises, especially SMEs and private enterprises work. In fact, there are more employment opportunities are often the central and western regions, private or private small and medium enterprises, but this is often not the students choose an object, in these more able to play the role of local college students but is difficult to hire college students, this is a more professional jobs than supply and demand is high and the main reason for low Qianyue Lv. For the professional market demand, with no restrictions, 'university student volunteer service in the western region', 'Plan of Action for funding rural teachers' and so on, employment, high expectations of students will still not a choice. These are not the correct concept of employment and career attitudes so that graduates of missed time and time again a lot of employment opportunities for the employment of such high expectations for the employment of college graduates successfully created a great obstacle.

2.over-valued 'professional counterparts

Some students see their own professional too heavy, this over-emphasis on 'professional counterparts,' is also one of the reasons causing the difficult employment situation. Professional counterparts, the phenomenon is not inevitable, if he stubbornly unwilling to be diverted to emphasize professional counterparts, will give himself blocked employment opportunities. Colleges and universities can not accurately predict the market a few years later the need for talent, but only under the current or predicted demand for talent within the next few years the social situation and determine the professional teaching conditions. Students apply for the time squeeze 'hot', abandoning 'unpopular', but the current rapid economic develop



Orlando Tucker ,Keele University(奥兰多 塔克,基尔大学)























2.在高等教育的快速发展,招生规模迅速扩大的环境下,光优化专业结构调整的主体是不够的。同时, 逐渐暴露出一些职业院校过多学生的语言水平低下,陈旧的训练模式、单一的教学内容、人性化教育和培训质量较差等。在某些大学,特别是新课程有更多的专业和盲目性,随着就业市场的变化和发展,科学证据和可预测性的缺乏,加上专业的盲目扩招和其他因素的影响,导致一些专业的供大于求的现象出现。












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