
 2022-12-03 11:25:44

Cloud computing, as a new computing paradigm, enables to provide seemly on-demand 'virtualized' resources to users.One of most attractive benefits of cloud computing is the so-called outsourcing paradigm, where the resource-constrained users can enjoy seemly unlimited computation resources by outsourcing heavy computation task to the cloud service provider.Plenty of research works on how to securely outsource different kinds of expensive computations has been done.

In [9],the concept of outsourced database was implicitly introduced at the first time.Specifically, the data owner can relief from the burden of database maintenance cost by outsourcing database the CSP.In order to protect the data confidentially,the data owner must perform encryption operation on database before uploading it.Then the encrypted database with some metadata (i.e., indices) is outsourced to the CSP, who can provide various database services to users on behalf of data owner. The user is an entity that sends query requests to the CSP and receives the corresponding results.

Despite the tremendous advantages, the ODB paradigm raises some new security concerns.First,since the CSP may be not fully trusted, one security challenge is the secrecy of outsourced data.That is,the CSP should not learn any additional information about what is actually stored. Note that the conventional cryptography techniques

(i.e., data encryption and secret sharing [10,11]) can only provide a partial solution since it could hardly perform meaningful operation over the ciphertext. What is more, the user needs to check whether the query request is correctly performed by the CSP. Because an incorrect and/or incomplete result may be returned caused by hardware/software bug or dishonest CSP. Thus,he second security challenge is the verifiability of search

results. Especially, in the setting of ODB, we mainly focus on the following two security issues:(1) Correctness:the

the result is the original data and has not been modified; (2) Completeness: the result includes all valid tuples satisfying the search condition.

Devanbu et al. [12] presented the first verifiable outsourced database scheme based on the Merkle hash tree construction.However their solution does not achieve completeness of search result.To address this issue,Pang et al. [13]presented an efficient verifiable search scheme based on the technique of signature aggregation and chaining.However, their construction will not work when an empty set is returned by the CSP (i.e., the CSP does

not perform any search operation). The main reason is that the user cannot effectively verify the validity of the empty set. Recently,Wang et al. [14] presented a novel verifiable auditing scheme for outsourced database based on

Bloom filter. In their construction,the user can check the integrity of search result even if the CSP intentionally returns an empty set. The main trick is that the user can ensure the correctness of search result by checking whether the search request the correctness of search result by checking whether the search request belongs to the Bloom filter. However, we argue that the data owner must count the number of data tuples with the same value for each specific attribute column beforehand. That is, for each attribute column, the data owner firstly counts the number of data tuples having the same value. Then, the number,as a parameter, is used to generate hash of the tuple.It implies that the process of counting needs to be performed whenever some update operation happened,which inevitably suffers from heavy computation and communication workload. This drawback makes the solution is not applicable for dynamic database scenario.

The first approach is based on authenticated data structures such as Merkle hash tree(MHT) to ensure query integrity [12,14,22].An MHT is constructed over the whole database, where each leaf node represents a leaf node represents a data tuple. The correctness of query result can ben verified by recomputing the signature on the root of the MHT. However, this approach requires the costly re-computation procedures. The second approach is based on the signature-based technique[13,20,26].Mykletun et al. [20] firstly pointed out the completeness problem of query result. but they did not provide a solution. Narasimha et al. [21] proposed an authentication of outsourced database scheme based on signature aggregation and chaining technique. That is, assuming that all tuples are ordered on certain attribute column, the data owner created a signature for each triple of consecutive data tuple.The CSP returns all matching tuples, the two boundary tuples as well as the aggregated signature of all the result data tuples.

Then, the completeness of search result can be ensured by verifying the signatue chain. Nevertheless, it is intractable to work when non-continuous region is queried.As a complementary research brach,Xie et al. [24] proposed a probabilistic verification method by inserting some faked data tuples in the database beforehand.Since the CSP cannot distinguish the fake tuple from the real ones, the user can probabilistically achieve the completeness of search result of checking whether all the qualifying fake tuples are present.However,note that all the faked tuples should be shared by all authorized users. It implies that the attracker may definitely know the faked tuples by colluding with any compromised user. Another area of relevant resrach to data integrity is the issue of remote data auditing in cloud computing. Ateniese et al. [27] firstly introduced the concept of provable data possession(PDP) based on introduced the concept of provable data possession (PDP) based on homomorphic tag technique,which can verify the data integrity without retrieving the whole data. Subsequently, plenty of work on remote data integrity have been studied intensively in [28–32].However,we argue that



在文献9中,第一次隐含介绍了外包数据库的概念。具体来说,数据所有者可以通过外包数据库给云服务提供商(CSP)来减轻维护数据库的负担。为了保证数据的安全性,数据所有者必须在上传数据之前对数据库执行加密操作。然后将具有一些元数据(即索引)的加密数据库外包给CSP,CSP可以为用户代表数据所有者提供各种数据库服务。 而用户是向CSP发送请求服务并接收相应服务结果的实体。


  1. 正确性:结果是原始数据,尚未修改;



第一种方法是基于验证的数据结构,如Merkle哈希树(MHT),以确保查询结果完整性[12,14,22]。对整个数据库进行构建MHT,其中每个叶节点表示一个数据元组。通过重新计算MHT根的签名,可以验证查询结果的正确性。然而,这种方法需要昂贵的重新计算程序。第二种方法是基于基于签名的技术[13,20,26] 。Mykletun等人[20]首先指出查询结果的完整性问题。但他们并没有提供解决方案。纳拉辛哈等人[21]提出了基于签名聚合和链接技术的外包数据库方案的认证。也就是说,假设所有的元组都是在某个属性列中排序的,数据所有者为连续数据元组的每个三元组创建一个签名。CSP返回所有匹配的元组,两个边界元组以及所有结果数据的聚合签名元组。

然后,通过标识链验证数据结构可以确保搜索结果的完整性。然而,当非连续区域被查询时,用此方法进行检验就是一个非常困难的工作。作为辅助研究方法,谢等人[24]提出了一种通过向数据库中插入一些假数据元组的概率性验证方法。由于CSP无法区分假元组与真实元组,用户可以以一定的概率实现检查结果的完整性,检查所有合格的假元组存在。但是,请注意,所有被授权的用户都应该共享所有假的元组。这意味着,攻击者可能通过与任何受到损害的用户的勾结来确定地知道假的元组。数据完整性的另一个领域是云计算中的远程数据审计问题。 Ateniese等人[27]首先介绍了基于同型标签技术的可证明数据拥有(PDP)概念的可证明数据拥有(PDP)的概念,可以在不检索整个数据的情况下验证数据完整性。随后,大量关于远程数据完整性的工作已经在[28-32]中进行了深入的研究。然而,我们认为存储和查询完整性之间的主要区别在于,验证者对存储完整性的外包数据库有一些了解,而在查询完整性设置中,验证者可能对外包数据库一无所知。

Song等人[33]首先介绍了可搜索加密的概念,这可以允许数据所有者将加密数据的搜索能力降低到云服务器,而无需解密密文。 以下大部分研究[34-39]主要集中在搜索效率改进,搜索表达灵活性和安全定义形式化等方面。注意,大多数现有方案仅仅支持对单个密钥加密的数据文件进行搜索。也就是说,为了搜索用不同密钥加密的数据,服务器需要在每个密钥下提供所有搜索令牌,因此令牌的数量与要搜索的数据文件的数量是呈线性关系的。但是此方案不适合大规模数据存储。

为了支持在多用户环境,鲍等人[40]提出了一种多用户可搜索加密方案,其使得每个用户能够搜索由不同密钥加密的数据。 然而,引入了称为用户管理器的实体来管理授权用户的搜索能力(即用户撤销和索引更新)。Popa和Zeldovich [41]提出了一种新的多键可搜索加密方案,支持通过不同密钥对加密数据进行搜索。在其构造中,每个用户都可以搜索所有加密数据,只有一个来自他自己的私钥。然而,所有现有的方案都不能抵制服务器和恶意用户之间的串通攻击。为了弥补这个缺陷,唐[15]引入了一种新的原语方法,即多方搜索加密,为多键可搜索加密提供了更强的安全保证。


在本文中,我们假设CSP是“半诚实但好奇”,这意味着它可能不能正确地遵循所提出的协议并返回不正确/不完备的搜索结果。另外,我们假定通信信道涉及该CSP是不安全的。 因此,考虑两种类型的攻击者:(1)外部攻击者是一个旨在通过公共频道获取数据库知识的实体。 这种攻击者包括撤销用户和未经授权的用户。(2)内部攻击者是可能具有数据库知识(即CSP)的实体。 他们的目标是提供无效的搜索结果,而不会被检测到。



搜索结果可验证性:要求CSP搜索结果的任何不当行为都可以被识别。也就是说,一旦CSP有意地返回错误/不完整的搜索结果,用户可以检测到不正确的行为压倒性的概率。 需要指出的是,即使CSP返回一个空集,验证性仍然保持不变。这意味着我们提出的构造在正确性和完整性方面都可以完全实现可验证的可搜索性。


在本文中,我们提出了一种基于可逆布隆过滤器的外包数据库的新的可验证搜索方案。主要思想是在整个数据库中构建一个IBF,可以用来实现查询检索结果的完整性。 也就是说,一旦接收到搜索结果,数据用户通过重构元组的哈希函数值来检查检索数据的正确性。如果返回一个空集合,则数据用户可以通过检查搜索请求判断情趣是否属于IBF来验证其正确性。 此外,使用IBF的成员枚举的属性,数据用户可以检查出是否返回了所有的满足检索要求的元组。



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