
 2022-11-28 14:10:00

The development and innovation of two-dimensional animation in the new period

The present situation of two-dimensional animation: in the 1990s animation film, television, two-dimensional animation is widely used, and the technology of three-dimensional animation in the film, makes animation more rich, and in the history of the dynamic painting also ushered in a new situation. The wide application and market of 3d technology fully proves that the development of animation should conform to the trend of the times, even the hand-drawn animation of hundreds of years. Because of the use of art elements more and more, two-dimensional animation for the pursuit and promotion of visual effect determine its development in today. From the development of two-dimensional animation, because of the particularity of the limited system, there is no great development in the animation market. With the development of Disney as an example, in Hollywood, because of the setting of the plot is too fixed, the lack of ups and downs story of the story and innovative hero design and the same movie score, makes two-dimensional animation gradually lost the market and audience. At the same time, the rise of east animation gradually in this period occupy most of the market, fascinating story and excellent production, strong personality modeling attracted a large audience, but with the move of time, inevitable and Disney will go on the same development path. Facts show that only continuous innovation in the story and character design can be in an invincible position in the development of animation. Compared with the two-dimensional animation of the animation industry, the two-dimensional animation in China has a certain gap, but in the middle of the 20th century, two-dimensional animation also occupied a broad market. For example, ' havoc in heaven ',' Nezha the sea ' and so on. These excellent animated films are the highest level of two-dimensional animation to date. In China, the animation market has not been well developed, in Chinas animation industry, the scale has not been formed, which requires Chinese animawr to make constant innovation on the basis of the technology to produce more excellent animation films.

2 two-dimensional animation ' daddy, mom, I think you' because two-dimensional animation is the improvement of the manual animation, in the plane design picture, so in the performance is only three-dimensional space in three-dimensional simulation. From the visual angle of analysis, two-dimensional animation picture content is invariant. Two dimensional animation reference, fusion of various elements, modeling, language, action, color and other aspects of innovation, the performance of artistic effect, using a unique overall concept, rich imagination and artistic expression form the audience. Two-dimensional animation is a unique art form, with original smart and artistic beauty. Following the two-dimensional animation ' father and mother, I think you' for example, the characteristics of two-dimensional animation. Peculiar motion painting describes the rural left-behind children little red and their parents, small girls look forward to a short story with their parents. At the beginning of the animation, the primary school campus with small trees on both sides of the road, with Ranklist and red flag on campus. When the lens drew closer, the little girl —xiaohong, the lens turned to 100 points in the hands of the paper, the picture conversion, but a little girl and her father and mother, later, mom and dad separated from the girl, after day and night, the little girl is little red. The story scene back to now, still immersed in the memory of the little hongbujin muttering: ' mom and dad, you dont go hellip; hellip;' the picture returned to the little red on the road appeared, the phone ringing reminded little red to call his mother. A few years later, the middle school classroom appeared to be young, the middle-aged man came to small red, and he is little red, the final picture is stop motion. in animation, the image is a left-behind children, although children are naive and lovely, because their parents are not around the long - term, character is introverted In the animation, for the vivid design of the external environment, the development of the story plays an appropriate role. Although there is no more language design in the story, but through the action and expression of the characters, the theme of the story is fully demonstrated: the yearning and expectation of the left-behind children in rural areas. Two-dimensional animation has some advantages in sense, because of the virtual reality of the virtual scene simulation, people do not need complete information for the requirements of the picture. Constrained by technology, two-dimensional animation can not describe the scene detailed description, so need to grasp the characteristics of the object of art performance, although cumbersome but able to shape the object in meticulous portrait, more can show the theme.

The development of 3d animation and innovation of two-dimensional animation technology gradually mature, in most of the animation films have two-dimensional technology use. In the use of this technology, first, to draw the picture, animation in the form of continuous play, todays two-dimensional animation by controlling the number of shots, using layered and cyclic technology to improve the effect of animation. After the 1990s, the animation art has been a broad development space, the technical factors have more and more influence on the overall effect of animation. In the ink animation and paper-cut animation, two-dimensional animation occupies a big advantage. Whether it is the choice of theme, or the expression form, two-dimensional animation meets peoples emotional needs. Therefore received welcome. The development of two-dimensional animation is still A life, as long as the efforts to seek a new joint, the emergence of paperless



二维动画的现状:在九十年代的动画电影、电视中,二维动画被广泛的使用,同时在影片中加入三维动画的技术,使得动画效果更丰富,在动 画历史上也开创了新的局面。三维技术的广泛应用和赢得的市场充分证明动画发展也应顺应时代的潮流,即使是传承了数百 年的手绘动画也应如此。由于艺术元素的使用越来越多,二维动画对于视觉效果的追求和提升决定了其在今天的发展状况。 从二维动画目前的发展形势看,由于受到本身特殊性的限 制,在动画市场中没有获得很大的发展。以迪士尼的发展为例,在好莱坞中,由于剧情的设置过于固定,缺少跌宕起伏的故事情 节和富有新意的主人公设计和一成不变的电影配乐,使得二维 动画渐渐失去了市场和观众。同时,东本动画渐渐崛起在这一时期内占领了大部分的市场,引人入胜的故事情节和优良的制作,个性极强的人物造型吸引了一大批的观众,但随着时间的推 移,也在所难免会和迪士尼走上同样的发展道路。事实证明,只有对故事情节和人物设计进行不断的创新,才能在不断发展的动画领域中立于不败之地。和动画产业国家的二维动画相比,中国的二维动画虽然存在一定的差距,但是在 20 世纪中期,二维动画也曾占有广阔的市场。例如《大闹天宫》、《哪吒闹海》等。这些优秀的动画影片是迄今为止二维动画的最高水平的体现。在中国,动画市场并没有被进行很好的开发,在中国的动画产业中,规模还没有形成,这就需要中国的动画人在对技术进行利用的基础上进行不断的创新,制作出更多的优秀动画影片。

2 二维动画《爸爸妈妈,我想你们》由于二维动画是在手工动画上进行改进,在平面中进行设计的画面,因此在表现时只是在二维空间中进行三维空间的模拟。从视觉的角度进行分析,二维动画的画面内容是不变的。二维动画借鉴、融合了多种元素,造型、语言、动作、色彩等 方面进行创新,对艺术效果进行表现,采用别具一格的整体构思、丰富的想象力和艺术表现形式收到了广大观众的喜爱。二维动画是一门独特的艺术形式,具有原始的灵动和艺术美感。下面以二维动画《爸爸妈妈,我想你们》为例,对二维动画的特点进行分析。本动画讲述了农村留守儿童小红和父母相隔两地,小女孩盼望与父母相聚的简短故事。在动画开始时,展现的是道路两旁长满小树的小学校园,在校园中有板报、红旗。当镜头拉近时,出现了小女孩—小红,镜头转向小红手中100分的试卷,小红面对没有家长签名的试卷,陷入对于爸爸妈妈的思念之中,此时,画面转换,出现的而是一个小女孩和她的爸爸妈妈在一起时 的情景,后来爸爸妈妈因外出打工,与小女孩分离,之后便是小 女孩日夜盼望爸妈归来的场景,这个小女孩就是小红。故事场景回到现在,仍旧沉浸在回忆中的小红不禁喃喃出声: “爸爸妈妈,你们别走hellip;hellip;”画面回到小红行走的路上出现了小卖铺,小卖铺中的电话铃声使小红想起给爸爸妈妈打电话。画面停顿,几年之后,中学的教室里出现三三两两凑在一起的学生,画面转 至窗前,是已经长大了的小红,之后在教室前出现的中年男子来找小红,而他就是小红的爸爸,最后画面定格在小红花与爸爸的对望之中,眼泪一滴滴的从脸颊滑落hellip;hellip; 在动画中,对于人物的设计较新颖,小红的形象是一个留守儿童,虽有儿童的天真可爱,但因为受到父母长期不在身边的影 响,性格比较内向,动画中对小红的动作细节进行刻画,体现出了这一点,人物的心情和体态随着故事情节的发展产生变化,小红从刚开始的失落到中间的开心又到最后的难过,都有着明显 的表现。在动画中对于外在环境的生动设计,对故事情节的发展起到了恰到好处的烘托作用。在故事中虽然没有过多的语言 设计,但通过人物的动作和表情,已将故事的主题充分的表现了出来: 农村留守儿童对于在外父母的思念和期盼。二维动画在感觉上具有一定的优势,由于对真实场景模拟的虚拟上,人们对于画面的要求并不需要完整的信息。受到技术的限制,二维动画不能对场景进行细致的描写,因此需要抓住对象的特点进行艺术表现,虽繁琐但能够对塑造对象进行细致的刻画,因此更能表现出主题。

3 二维动画的发展和创新二维动画技术渐渐成熟,在大部分的动画影片中都有二维技术的使用。在使用这种技术时,先要逐帧绘制图画,在连续播放时就会出现动画的形式,今天的二维动画通过控制拍摄张数,采用分层、循环的技术提高动画的效果。二十世纪九十年代以后,动画艺术得到了广阔的发展空间,其中技术因素对于动画整体效果的影响也越来越大。在水墨动画和剪纸动画中,二维动画占有很大的优势。不管是在于题材的选择,还是在于表现形 式上,二维动画符合人们对于情感的需求。因此受到了欢迎。二维动画的发展前景仍然一片生机,只要努力寻求新的结合点,无纸动画的出现,是相对传动动画的另一种表现手法。全 程采用电脑制作动画,所见即所得———创作人员将原有的人物设计、原画、动画、背景设计、色指定、特效全部转入电脑中来完成。它具有“成本低、易学习、品质高、输出简单”等多方面的优势。由于投入少、风险小,因此新兴动画公司已经普遍接受和采用了无纸动画流程。它采用『数位板( 压感笔) 电脑 CG 应用软件』的全新工作流程,其绘画方式与传统的纸上绘画十分接近,因此能够很容易地从纸上绘画过渡到这一平台,同时它还可以大幅提高效率、易修改并且方便输出,这些特性让这种工作方式快速普及。无纸动画软件多是矢量绘图,所以可以很灵活的输出不同的尺寸格式,理论上可以达到无限高的质量而不失真, 大大增加了二维动画的精细程度。另外,二维与三维技术更好的结合,一定能够在今后的动画史上大放异彩。



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