
 2022-11-27 13:59:48

Weft weave type and density of worsted fabric pilling impact

Farshad Lohrasbi, Jalal Mokhtari Ghahi, M. E. Yazdanshenas

Islamic Azad University

Abstract: The textile pilling one of the most significant area of ​​the ball, being investigated by many researchers, such as Cook. In this study, we analyzed several samples of worsted fabric pilling: 55% wool / 45% polyester in different weft density and weave type friction test results obtained using the Martindale test and counting number of pilling on the fabric surface. The results showed that the surface of the fabric in the warp and weft interwoven, the more and less pilling formation; warp or a number far greater than can be concluded that, in some cases, less pilling form on the surface of the ball when the number (ie, latitude and longitude weft interwoven yarn less), the warp density is much larger than the weft density. However, in certain fabrics, weft density increase causes the surface of the fabric to form a small reduction in the number of balls.

Key words: worsted fabric; woven type; Density; pilling.


Pilling on textile and clothing manufacturers but also for the user is not only an important issue. Pilling significantly decreased shedding process makes fabric quality also make the users comfort have a negative impact.

Psilocine yarn in terms of the performance characteristics of many woven worsted fabric is quite sufficient comparable two ply yarn, when its production process to provide the best conditions. This fabric pilling and abrasion resistance is formed almost at the same level, and have similar appearance.

In addition to clothing design species diversity, durability is an important factor. So like this one pilling technical parameters, which will affect the durability it is one of the key issues of the apparel industry.

Pilling is a fabric defect, which is a small ball or interfere with the fiber surface of the fabric fibers and one or more fiber contact thereof.

Pilling often represents a serious flaw in the fabric or garment. It is not only the appearance of the fabric and product handling damage, it also has the structure of the fibers from the yarn transfer rate accelerating effect, thereby substantially reducing the service life.

In the formation of pellets, the fiber-entangled fabric surface to form a number of abnormalities.

Pellets initiation and development follow a well-established pattern, which has six stages:

1. Establishment of a local region of high density fluff,

2. The formation of a loose tangle of development in this region,

3. The ball tightening loose fibers form a large spherical mass,

4. Pull anchor fiber to form a separate, moving the ball,

5. Due to the location of the ball so that the transfer of some of the fibers break,

6. The rest of the fiber breakage and a ball falling off.

Development of miniature ball is covered by the first three steps, which means that the first entangled area.

Fluff shown in Figure 1 to develop into a small ball.

1) 2) 3) 4)

Figure 1. Step pilling formation [5];

1) hair, 2) loose entanglement, 3) from the ball (tight entanglement), 4) helically wound.

Gintis and Mead shows that increasing the strength and flexibility of synthetic fibers can reduce the rate of small-ball wear off so the ball has a higher density and longer life. In addition, the tenacity and stage of development rigidity of fluff fibers 2--6, in such a manner, a relatively high toughness and low bending stiffness of the fibers to produce high-density fluff, pellets initial formation rate is also high.

Brand and Bohmfolk their pilling model assumptions, hair fiber pulled through the fabric surface friction or disappear, while Motoji and Tsujimoto consider fiber deformation beyond the yield point of the initial entanglement partly responsible, but did not provide any clear evidence proof pilling place may cause damage to the fiber.

Pilling by repeated friction, according to the combination of two phenomena: the emerging fabric surface, and at the same surface of the Nep persistence. And low flexural modulus fibers and low coefficient of friction phenomenon increases, while increasing the second fiber has a high tensile strength and high bending recovery. It is generally understood, pilling particularly high in those containing synthetic fibers in the fabric, such as polyamide fibers and polyester fibers.

Under the fibers within the yarn tension sufficient to overcome the frictional force, the pilling growth is limited, resulting in a small ball rolling process flow (Figure 2), pilling caused by an increase in the size and fiber bending cycle torsional stress is reduced.

Round starting off

Do not fall off from the roll

Table 1. Technical data of the sample

Sample No. weft yarn count (tex) type weaving weft density (weft / cm) warp density (warp / cm)

50/2 1 1/2 twill left to right 15 16 18.5 26 17.25

2 50/2 2/1 twill left to right 15 16 18.5 26 17.25

3 38.4 / 22/1 twill left to right 1/2 twill left to right 21,222,324 26.25

4 38.4 / 22/2 twill left to right 2122232427

5 25/2 satin 4/1 uarr; 2 28 29 30 31 40

25/2 6 1/2 twill Right to Left 2/1 twill left to right 2526272829 31.5

High twist factors and tight fabric structure results from the low volume, and limit the growth of small ball, and the fiber has a high tensile strength, the pilling more likely to be in the form of fixed residence on the fabric surface I will not wear off. The average length of the fabric surface protruding fibers will affect the small size of the ball.

Due to the increase of interwoven fabric and improved wear resistance it is understandable, because the interleaving increase (Fig. 3), the fabric becomes more compact, the friction between the fibers and yarns between increases.




Farshad Lohrasbi, Jalal Mokhtari Ghahi,M. E. Yazdanshenas

Islamic Azad University

摘要:纺织品起毛起球最显著的区域之一,被调查许多研究者,如库克。在这项研究中,我们分析了几个样品的精纺面料的起毛起球: 55%羊毛/45%聚酯在不同的纬密和编织类型下.摩擦测试结果用马丁代尔测试获得和计数织物表面上的起球数。结果表明,经纬纱在织物表面交织越多,起球形成越少;或一个可以得出结论,在某些情况下,少起毛起球的表面上的形式时经纱数远大于纬纱数(即经纬纱交织较少),是的经密远远大于纬密。但在某些织物,纬密增加会使织物表面形成小球数减少。


















1) 2) 3) 4)



Gintis和Mead表明,增加合成纤维的强度和弯曲性可降低小球磨损脱落率使小球有更高的密度和更长的生命。此外,纤维的坚韧和刚性影响绒毛的发展阶段2 – 6,以这样一种方式,具有相对较高的韧性和抗弯刚度低的纤维产生绒毛密度高,小球初步形成速率也高。







样品编号 经纬纱的数(tex) 织造类型 纬密(纬纱/cm) 经密(经纱/cm)

1 50/2 1/ 2斜纹左到右 15 16 17.25 18.5 26

2 50/2 2/ 1斜纹左到右 15 16 17.25 18.5 26

3 38.4/2 2/ 1斜纹左到右 1/ 2斜纹左到右 21 22 23 24 26.25

4 38.4/2 2/ 2斜纹左到右 21 22 23 24 27

5 25/2 缎面4/ 1uarr;2 28 29 30 31 40

6 25/2 1/ 2斜纹右到左 2/ 1斜纹左到右 25 26 27 28 29 31.5








每个样品处理4种不同的纬纱密度,除了样品中没有。6,有5个不同的纬纱密度。样本的大小是90 times;150厘米。我们准备了3件,每个样品,背面与正面,经纬方向显着。





处理由伊朗美利奴羊毛公司50 / 2(TEX)纱支羊毛纤维的规格列于表2。聚酯纤维的技术数据也列于表3。

纤维技术处理38.4 TEX/2和25 / 2 TEX纱的支数由Motahhari公司的数据还可以看出,在表4,5和6。








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