
 2022-11-24 10:19:41

FIR Digital Filter Design

作者:Sanjit K.Mitra


出处:Digital Signal Processing -A Computer-Based Approach 3e

In chapter 9 we considered the design of IIR digital filters. For such filters, it is also necessary to ensure that the derived transfer function G(z) is stable. On the other hand, in the case of FIR digital filter design,the stability is not a design issue as the transfer function is a polynomial in z-1 and is thus always guaranteed stable. In this chapter, we consider the FIR digital filter design problem.

Unlike the IIR digital filter design problem, it is always possible to design FIR digital filters with exact linear-phase. First ,we describe a popular approach to the design of FIR digital filters with linear-phase. We then consider the computer-aided design of linear-phase FIR digital filters. To this end, we restrict our discussion to the use of matlab in determining the transfer functions. Since the order of the FIR transfer function is usually much higher than that of an IIR transfer function meeting the same frequency response specifications, we outline two methods for the design of computationally efficient FIR digital filters requiring fewer multipliers than a direct form realization. Finally, we present a method of designing a minimum-phase FIR digital filter that leads to a transfer function with smaller group delay than that of a linear-phase equivalent. The minimum-phase FIR digital filter is thus attractive in applications where the linear-phase requirement is not an issue.

10.1 preliminary considerations

In this section,we first review some basic approaches to the design of FIR digital filters and the determination of the filter order to meet the prescribed specifications. 10.1.1 Basic Approaches to FIR Digital Filter Design

Unlike IIR digital filter design, FIR filter design does not have any connection with the design of analog filters. The design of FIR filters is therefore based on a direct approximation of the specified magnitude response,with the often added requirement that the phase response be linear. Recall a causal FIR transfer function H(z) of length N 1 is a polynomial in z-1 of degree N:

 (10.1)

The corresponding frequency response is given by

 (10.2)

It has been shown in section 5.3.1 that any finite duration sequence x[n] of length N 1 is

completely characterized by N 1 samples of its discrete-time Fourier transform . As a result, the design of an FIR filter of length N 1 can be accomplished by finding either the impulse response sequence {h[n]} or N 1 samples of its frequency response . Also ,to ensure a linear-phase design, the condition


must be satisfied. Two direct approaches to the design of FIR filters are the windowed Fourier series approach and the frequency sampling approach. We describe the former approach in Section 10.2. The second approach is treated in Problems 10.31 and 10.32. In section 10.3, we outline computer-based digital filter design methods.

10.1.2 Estimation of the Filter Order

After the type of the digital filter has selected, the next step in the filter design process is to estimate the filter order should be the smallest integer greater than or equal to the estimated value.

FIR Digital Filter Order Estimation

For the design of lowpass FIR digital filters, several authors have advanced formulas for estimating the minimum value of the filter order N directly from the digital filter specifications: normalized passband edge angular frequency, normalizef stopband edge angular frequency, peak passband ripple,and peak stopband ripple. We review three such formulas.

Kaisers Formula. A rather simple formula developed by Kaiser [Kai74] is given by   .

We illustrate the application of the above formula in Example 10.1.

Bellangers Formula. Another simple formula advanced by Bellanger is given by [Bel81] 10.1 Preliminary Considerations

Its application is considered in Example 10.2.

Hermanns Formula. The formula due to Hermann et al.[Her73] gives a slightly more accurate value for the order and is given by  







a2=0.07114 ,







The formula given in Eq.(10.5) is valid for. If , then the filter order formula to be used is obtained by interchanging and in Eq.(10.6a) and (10.6b).

For small values ofand, all of the above formulas provide reasonably close and accurate results. On the other hand, when the values ofand are large, Eq.(10.5) yields a more accurate value for the order.

A Comparison of FIR Filter Order Formulas

Note that the filter order computed in Examples 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3, using Eqs.(10.3),(10.3),and (10.5),

Respectively ,are all different. Each of these three formulas provide only an estimate of the required filter order. The frequency response of the FIR filter designed using this estimated order may or may not meet the given specifications. If the specifications are not met, it is recommended that the filter order be gradually increased until the specifications are met. Estimation of the FIR filter order using MATLAB is discussed in Section 10.5.1.

An important property of each of the above three formulas is that the estimated filter order N of the FIR filter is inversely proportional to the transition band width () and does not depend on the actual location of the transition band. This implies that



作者:Sanjit K.Mitra


出处:Digital Signal Processing -A Computer-Based Approach 3e


不同的是IIR数字滤波器设计问题,它总是可以设计一种精确的FIR线性相位数字滤波器。首先,我们描述了发展与线性相位FIR数字滤波器设计流行的方法。然后,我们考虑线性相位FIR数字滤波器的计算机辅助设计。为此,我们限制我们讨论了MATLAB 在确定传递函数的使用。自区传递函数顺序通常比转移的IIR会议相同的频率响应规格功能还高,我们概述了计算效率比直接的FIR需要较少的乘法器实现形式的数字滤波器设计的两种方法。最后,我们提出一个设计最低FIR数字滤波器的相位,导致一个比一个更小的线性相位延迟相当于该组的传递函数方法。最小相位FIR数字滤波器因此,在应用中的线性相位的要求是没有问题的吸引力。

10.1初步考虑 在本节中,我们第一次审查的FIR数字滤波器的设计和定阶滤波器,以满足规范规定的一些基本方法。

10.1.1基本途径FIR数字滤波器设计 不像IIR数字滤波器设计,FIR滤波器设计没有任何的模拟滤波器的设计连接。FIR滤波器设计的基础上,因此在指定的幅度响应直接逼近,与经常补充规定,即相位响应是线性的。记得有因果区传递函数H(z)的长度为N 1是在Z - 1的n次多项式:



 (10.2)

它已被证明在第5.3.1节,任何有限的时间序列x长度为[n]的N 1的特点是完全由 N 1其离散时间傅里叶变换的样本,结果十,一个FIR滤波器的设计长度为N 1可以通过寻找或脉冲响应序列{ħ [n]的}或N 1其频率响应阁下也样本,以确保线性相位 设计,条件







Kaiser的公式。一个相当简单的公式由Kaiser [Kai74]发展是给予

 。







a1 = 0.005309,alpha;2= 0.07114,a3的=- 0.4761,

A4纸= 0.00266,A5的= 0.5941,A6的= 0.4278,

B1的= 11.01217,B2的= 0.51244。

式中给出的公式。.( 10.5)是有效的。

如果,那么滤波器阶公式将要采用通过交换和式获得。(10.6a)和(10.6b )。



请注意,滤波器的阶在例10.1,10.2和10.3计算,使用均衡器。(10.3),(10.3)和(10.5), 分别是各不相同。这三个每个公式只提供所需要的滤波器的阶的估计。在频率响应的 FIR滤波器的设计采用了这个估计顺序可能或可能不符合给定的规格。 如果不符合规范,建议,该滤波器秩序逐步增加,直到符合规格要求。FIR滤波器的阶的估计是利 用MATLAB节中讨论10.5.1。



过滤器一: =0.10625,=0.14375,=0.0224,=0.000112


过滤三:=0.345,=0.575,=0.0411,=0.0137 。





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