创新与驱动研究 互联网金融机制外文翻译资料

 2022-11-22 11:03:18

Study on Innovation and Driving

Mechanism of Internet Finance

Hu-bin Jin and Cheng-hu Zhang

Abstract The answers to the problems about the development of internet finance must be found from its driving and innovation mechanisms and the evolution routes to its business formats. Reviewing the theoretical contexts of internet finance from the perspectives of platform economics and industrial evolution, the paper sets up innovation mechanism integrated by data, rules and applications, and driving mechanism including institution reform, technical progress, market changes and organizational reform.

Keywords Internet finance Driving Mechanism Innovation

1 Introduction

Since 2013, because of its characters of convenient, flexibility and inclusion, internet finance has become the frontier of financial innovation in China. But at the same time, business formats of internet finance were chaos, risk events were occurring frequently and out of control, supervision policies lost efficacy. Those problems stem from the confusion about the driving and innovation mechanism of internet finance.Abroad research on the innovation mechanism of internet finance focused on the incentive factors, which can be divided into five theories generally. Constraint induction theory considered the essential reason for financial innovation was to get out of the constraints from outside and inside. Silber [1] and Miller [2] attributed it to the unpredictable changes from regime and tax law in the past twenty-five years.

Hannan and McDowell [3], the representatives of technical progress theory, regarded technological revolution of computer and communication as the main factor for internet finance. Kane [4] thought the reason for financial innovation was to evade the governmental regulations. Hicks [5] and Niehans [6], the representatives of transaction cost theory, thought the driving force of financial innovation was transaction cost reduction. Mishkin [8], the representatives of intermediary innovation theory, considered financial intermediaries could meet the demands between surplus and deficit department, which result in financial innovation [7]. Many domestic literatures have discussed the driving mechanism of internet finance. Xieping and Zouchuanwei [9] attributed it to three aspects: social network generating and broadcasting information; search engine organizing, sorting and retrieving information; cloud computing disposing massive information. Wangshuguang [10] considered the power resources of internet finance came from open, share, cooperate, integration, trust, community, cloud, inclusion, deconstruction and innovation. Qiaohaishu [11] thought the driving force came from the contradiction between demand and supply of financial market, internet technological development, massive active user, internal demand of financial innovation and supportive attitude of government. Liuyue [12] considered that the development of internet finance was based on the financial demands of minor and micro enterprise. Yangyubo [13] thought the driving mechanism of internet finance accumulated customer resources and capitals, consolidated the control of market and industrial, depending on technological innovation and rule devising of interest rate. Using the long tail theory, Huobing, Zhangyanliang [14] thought the four key factors of customer size, transaction intention, transaction risk and big data application as the internal mechanism of internet finance.

In summary, existing literatures are qualitative analysis about internet finance almost, lack of deeply analysis, and fall far behind of practical progress. From the view angle of platform economics, the paper finds internet finance is a new industrial format of specialized financial organization, and the nature of internet finance is platform integrated innovation of financial factors. So, the paper sets up innovation mechanism integrated by data, rules and applications, and driving mechanism including institution reform, technical progress, market changes and organizational reform.

2 Theoretical Contexts of Internet Finance

From the basic view of internet finance is a platform economy, the paper sets up the theoretical foundation for the next study using complex system theory, platform economics and system change theory. Study on Innovation and Driving Mechanism of Internet Finance

2.1 Complex System Theory

Complex system theory can interpret the great influence of internet finance to the way of communicate between economic entities, and reflect the inclusive character of internet finance. The organizational structure of internet finance is a complex network system, which is the premise of clarifying the development mechanism of internet finance.

2.2 Platform Economics

Platform economics can interpret and contrast the difference between internet finance and traditional finance, embody the great advantage of internet finance.

2.3 Neoinstitutional Economics

Neoinstitutional economics breaks the shackles of exogenous institution, and regards institutional factors as the internal reasons for economic growth. Transaction cost theory and institution change theory are the optimal combination to interpret the development of internet finance. Reduction of transaction cost is the source, and institution is the safeguard.

3 Intergrated Innovation of Internet Finance

Despite the various patterns and formats, the nature of internet finance is platform economy, which combines financial factors firstly, collects and handles data by big data technology secondly, designs and optimizes the rules according to characters of market structure thirdly, exploits and improves the appliances on the basis of customerrsquo;s demands finally. Internet finance platfo




摘要:网络金融发展问题的答案必须从其驱动和创新机制以及其业务格式的演进路线中找到。 本文从平台经济与产业发展的角度回顾了互联网金融的理论背景,构建了数据,规则和应用的创新机制,制度改革,技术进步,市场变化和组织改革等驱动机制。

关键词:互联网 金融驱动机制 创新


自2013年以来,互联网金融由于其方便,灵活和包容的特点,已成为中国金融创新的前沿。 但与此同时,互联网融资业务格局混乱,风险事件频发,失控,监管政策失效。这些问题源自互联网金融驱动与创新机制的混乱。对互联网金融创新机制的研究主要集中在激励因素上,可以分为五大理论。约束诱导理论认为金融创新的根本原因是摆脱外部和内部的限制。Silber [1]和Miller [2]将其归因于过去二十五年来政权和税法的不可预测的变化。汉南和麦克道尔[3]技术进步理论的代表将计算机与通信技术革命视为互联网金融的主要因素。凯恩[4]认为金融创新的原因是逃避政府的规定。Hicks [5]和Niehans [6],交易成本理论的代表,认为金融创新的动力是交易成本降低。Mishkin [8]代表中介创新理论,认为金融中介可以满足盈余部门之间的需求,从而导致金融创新[7]。许多国内文献都讨论了互联网金融的驱动机制。西平,祖连卫[9]将其归因于社会网络生成和广播信息三个方面。搜索引擎组织,排序和检索信息;云计算处理大量信息。王光光[10]认为互联网金融的电力资源来自开放,分享,合作,融合,信任,社区,云,包容,结构与创新。乔沙苏[11]认为,驱动力来自金融市场供需矛盾,互联网技术发展,大量积极用户,金融创新内部需求和政府支持态度矛盾。

Liuyue [12]认为,互联网融资的发展是基于微型和微型企业的财务需求。杨宇波[13]认为,互联网融资的驱动机制积累了客户资源和资金,依靠技术创新和利率规则制定了市场和工业的控制。考虑长尾理论,霍斌张艳良认为客户规模,交易意图,交易风险和大数据应用的四大关键因素是互联网金融的内部机制。



从互联网金融的基本观点来看,它是一个平台经济,为下一个使用复杂系统理论,平台经济学和制度变迁理论的研究奠定了理论基础。 从互联网金融创新与驱动机制这方面进行研究
















金融压制的长期条件是互联网金融发展的土壤;金融体制改革在中国创造了良好的制度环境。 2015年7月18日,中国人民银行(中国人民银行)等9个部门出版了“互联网金融健康发展指导意见”。许多专家认为,明确了监管思路,指出了互联网金融的发展方向。


技术进步从需求和供给中改变财政。 互联网和移动互联网随时随地保持客户“在线”,可以发现和跟踪其感觉,行为和偏好,这使得财务需求显而易见,成本低廉。 大数据可以减少金融产品的不确定性,简化财务流程,从而促进金融中介,这使得客户可以得到以前不能被覆盖的情况。云计算使得移动互联成为可能,基于软终端(移动,平面图2互联网金融平台驱动机制互联网金融创新驱动机制347计算机)。 云平台实现了多屏互动,有助于降低运营成本和创新成本,并提供试错基础。 所以大数据和云计算使得财务需求与供应相适应。








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