
 2022-11-19 16:42:09

The 2017 4th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI 2017)

The Impact of Emerging Website Design Features

Xiaosong Li

Computer Science Practice Pathway Unitec Institute of Technology Auckland, New Zealand

Jahanzaib Ali Chishti

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Auckland

Auckland, New Zealand

Abstract— The emerging design features emphasize the uniqueness of a website. While they may convey the key spirit of a website to the audience effectively, there are other considerations. What are the motivations behind these emerging design features? How could they influence the websitesrsquo; behaviors, such as the website usability and accessibility, and how could they be used properly? What are their future? This paper presents a pilot study to explore these issues by analyzing

60 selected websites from three categories (bank, library and school) in correspondence with the selected new features. 7 website design features were selected from [6] to investigate the changes on the usage of the design features from 2013 to 2017. Website loading time and accessibility were tested. The results suggested that the motivations behind these emerging design features include: highlighting the key contents of a website; making a website stand out from the rest; and benefitting from the latest technologies. The emerging website design features improve the website accessibility in most of the cases, and sometimes they improve the website usability. To make the website look special, some conventional features might be less adopted. The design features that can improve the interactivity of a website have gain a lot more attention in last four years. Contacting with the audience of a website is payed much more attention now. Whether a design feature is proper for a particular website depends on the nature of the website. The results of this pilot study could be used as the reference for website designers and developers and also could be used as the start points or the hypotheses for future research. The research limitations and the future work have been discussed.

Keywords-component; Emerging website design features; influence; accessibility; performance


The research work of [1] demonstrated that website design is a moving target and website designs became increasingly graphical in nature, reliant on browser scripts, and less consistent.

Many new website design features have been introduced in the recent years. Some of them were identified as the website design trends for 2017. While they may convey the key spirit of the website to the audience effectively, and some of them may subtly improve the user experience [5], there are other considerations. Many of the features are relevant to color, typography and geometric shapes in the website design. Some of them are not compliant with the traditional website design standards or conventions, for example, an appearance of chaos and diversity, using Serif typefaces and etc. Not all the new features are necessarily good features and should be implemented [6].

The most glaring deficiency of the website design practices studied by [1] was their inadequate accessibility. Some of the practices such as tables, and browser scripts could impede accessibility and usability, which need to undergo either initial or further empirical studies [1]. What are the motivations behind the emerging website design features? How could they influence the websitesrsquo; behaviors, such as the website usability and accessibility, and how could they be used properly? What are their future? An understanding of these questions and a clear indication of the usefulness and acceptance of new features would benefit the continuing evolution of web page standards. This paper presents a pilot study to explore these issues aiming to provide references for web designers and developers on applying these emerging features and to develop starting points or hypotheses for next step research.

60 websites were tested and analyzed. The websites were selected from three categories (bank, library and school) as the research dataset, which includes 13 bank websites, 17 library websites and 30 school websites. 6 emerging website design features based on the studies of [2-5] were selected for testing and analysis. The method used is similar to [6 and 7], where the results were broken into groups to analyze features. Each website was checked against the 6 emerging website design features. The page loading time and accessibility of each website were tested. The results were grouped and analyzed based on the website categories and whether the websites have or not have a particular design feature. 7 website design features were selected from those listed in [6], to investigate the changes on the usage of the website design features from 2013 to 2017.

In the rest of this paper, the methods used in this study is briefed first, an overview of the studies and the practices on the emerging website design features is provided, the selected website design features to be studied are described then, the data, testing and the results are presented and discussed after that, that is followed by a summary and future work.


A mixed method of combining qualitative and quantitative approaches was used in this pilot study. The motivations of using the emerging design features were identified by qualitatively analyzing existing studies and current practices. 6 emerging website design features were selected for testing. An emerging design feature on a testing website was identified by observation. Quantitative data were collected by using testing tools, the data then were analyzed qualitatively.

Totally 60 websites were selected as the test




I 引言





II 方法


共选择60个网站作为测试数据集。为了使测试环境尽可能一致,所有网站都是从.nz域中选择的。为了比较不同类型网站的网站行为,选择了.nz域中的三类:13家银行网站(银行 .nz); 17个图书馆网站(图书馆 .nz);和30个学校网站(.school.nz)。


由于时间限制和其他条件,从测试中只能获得少量测量结果。为了便于使用,网站加载时间通过使用Google Chrome进行了测试。其他工具[9-10]也被考虑用来测试网站的性能,然而,由于某些问题,他们的数据并未包含在本报告中。 WebAIM [16]用于测试网站的可访问性,每个网站收集了三个测试结果:样式错误,警报和对比度错误。


III 新兴网站设计功能


已有研究探索网站用户界面设计功能。这包括Jones和DeGrow在2011年的工作[11],他们使用广泛的设计元素列出了财富500强的主页,这些元素来源于研究人员先前的研究,以研究网页设计的历史和发展。 Wridgway 在2013年继续了类似的研究,其中确定了10个特征。一些被研究的特征并不是真正的新特征,然而,由于下面讨论的动机,他们最近获得了更多的关注,例如,动画也包含在本研究中。

在2016年和2017年,许多研究针对新兴网站设计功能进行。 从中确定了10个新兴的设计特征; 3中确定了16个设计特征和5中确定了5个新兴的设计特征。

各种研究都讨论了这些新兴网站设计功能背后的动机。 2017年,网站很可能开始回归基础,并将重点放在关键内容上。网站所有者不再关注向访问者提供最详细的信息,而是选择传达他们的信息


图1. www.waipalibraries.org.nz的主页

图2显示了高中网站主页(http://www.westlake.school.nz/)的一部分,其中大型文本字体用于突出重点:开始您的Westlake旅程。 显然,这一观点有效地传达给了观众。 基于上述讨论,突出网站的关键内容是新功能的主要原因之一。


现代项目给用户留下强烈而持久的印象。 富有想象力或创意的标题是在设计中独一无二的一种可喜的方式。 图1还显示了以一定角度绘制的曲线和线条,这使主页变得特别,并且可以轻松地与其他网站区分开来。 图3显示了使用双色调(http://wcl.govt.nz/)的示例,其中用多种(两种)色调或墨水印刷的图像。 它是使用一种对比颜色叠加在另一种颜色(蓝色背景图像)上而创建的。 这有助于强调网站的独特性。 基于这些讨论,使网站脱颖而出是新功能的另一个主要原因。


用于创建网站的标准,技术和工具的快速发展,尤其是开发客户端技术(如JavaScript程序包)和强大的新CSS集成技术以及Bootstrap等库,为网站用户界面设计提供了更多机会。 现在很难实现的功能现在可以实现。 随着新技术的到来[8],我们将需要对我们的网站设计能够实现和有效实现的假设提出质疑。 为了充分利用这些新的可能性,我们需要挑战我们关于线框内容顺序的假设[12-15]。 图4显示了银行网站(https://www.rabobank.co.nz/)的主页,其侧重于Bootstrap网格模式,其中控件和容器使用网格布置在页面上设置。 受益于最新技术是新兴设计功能的另一个动力。



IV 选择新兴设计功能
Wridgway [6]在2013年调查了财富500强公司主页,并确定了10个设计特征。计算并呈现每个特征的使用百分比。为了解2013年到2017年之间的变化,本研究检查了7项特征。以下是中列出的7个特征的描述及其使用百分比(括号中给出的代码是为了本研究的介绍和讨论而定义的):
bull;60%的公司在其主页上发布最新的新闻和博客文章(新闻 博客)
bull;主页的平均加载时间为6.5秒,主页的大小为766 Kb。


  1. M. Y. Ivory and R. Megraw, “Evolution of web site design patterns,” ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 23, no. 4, 2005, 463- 497.
  2. A. L. Turner, “Web design trends we can expect to see in 2017,” Design amp; Dev, 2017, https://thenextweb.com/dd/2016/12/22/web-design-trends- can-expect-see-2017/#.tnw_7LigFHgc Last accessed 15/8/2017.
  3. WixBlog, “The Hottest Web Design Trends You Should Know In 2017,” 2017, https://www.wix.com/blog/2016/11/the-hottest-web- design-trends-you-should-know-in-2017/ Last accessed 15/8/2017.
  4. G. Gosha, “5 CurrentTrends to Amp-up Your Web Designs in 2017,” 2017, https://www.sitepoint.com/5-emerging-trends-to-amp-up-your- web-designs-in-2017/.
  5. G. Wridgway, “Web Design Trends – Fortune 500 Company Homepages,” Nova Marketing Intelligence, 2017, http://novamarin.co.za/web-design-trends-fortune-500/ Last accessed 15/8/2017.
  6. S. L. Jones and D. DeGrow, “Fortune 500 homepages: design features,” IEEE transactions on Professional Communication, 54(1), 2011, 13 pages.
  7. M. Keogh, “Why we need to challenge our design tools amp; assumptions,” 2017, https://www.liquidlight.co.uk/blog/article/why-we-need-to- challenge-our-design-tools-



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