企业资源计划 :一个基于成本的案例研究和实施评估外文翻译资料

 2022-11-19 10:25:18

ERP — Enterprise Resource Planning: A cost-based business

case and implementation assessment

S. W. Han

Hi-Tech Consulting Center, LG CNS Co., Ltd., 8F, Prime Tower

#10– 1, Hoehyun-dong, 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100– 630, Korea


This article provides the key factors that are critical to the successful implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP). It reports the results of a study carried out to assess a number of different ERP implementations in different organizations. A case study method of investigation was used, and the experiences of five manufacturing companies were documented. Also, this study explores and proposes an ERP system selection process and a cost-based business case approach. The critical factors in the adoption of ERP are identified as learning from the experiences of others, appointing a process innovator, establishing committees and project teams, training and providing technical support for the users, and implementing appropriate changes to the organizational structure and managerial responsibilities. For more effective ERP implementations, we advise building a supportive culture and environment with a strong emphasis on human and organizational aspects.


Throughout the 1990s, most large industrial companies installed enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems; that is, massive computer applications allowing a business to manage all of its operations (finance, requirements planning, human resources, and order fulfillment) on the basis of a single, integrated set of corporate data. ERP promised huge improvements in efficiency; for

example, shorter intervals between order and payments, lower back-office staff requirements, reduced inventory, and improved customer service. Encouraged by these possibilities, businesses around the world invested some $300 billion in ERP during the decade (Dorien amp; Malcolm, 2000).

What most attracted many a chief information officer was the opportunity to replace a tangle of complex, disparate, and obsolescent applications with a single Y2K-compliant system from a reputable and stable vendor; one Korean major oil company, for example, managed to switch off 70 old systems when ERP went live. By entering customer and sales data in an ERP system, a manufacturer can generate the next cyclersquo;s demand forecast, which in turn generates orders for raw materials, production schedules, timetables for shifts, and financial projections while keeping close track of inventory.

As the adoption of ERP has increased by manufacturing firms, so has the research by academics and researchers into all aspects of using these information technologies, covering planning, implementation, integration, management, and exploitation (Lee amp; Lee, 2000; Parr amp; Shanks, 2000; Sumner, 2000). Some examples of these studies include: a study of ERP in 20 British companies by Currie (1996), a study of 95 information systems by Jaikumar (1997) in North America, and a study of ERP and other information systems in the United Kingdom by Bessant and Haywood (1999).

Previous field studies examining ERP implementations have found that expectations of ERP will not be brought to fruition unless a holistic approach is taken in planning, acquiring, implementing, and exploiting. One of the critical issues to be considered in the decision making process is that the link between the information system and business strategy must relate to the competitive priorities and the positioning of the organization. The choice of information system, for which many options exist, must be driven by, and closely aligned with, the broader framework of competitive positioning decisions. The basic question “ How do we compete?‖ must be answered before information system investment decisions are made. Therefore, this article has three distinctive parts. The first describes ERP system selection process in implementation, the second addresses a cost-based approach to the business case, and the last provides the key factors that are critical to the successful implementation of ERP. In the last part, the experiences of five Korean organizations that are dopted ERP in recent years are analyzed. A case study approach was

used to explore he reasons for adopting the ERP, planning and implementation issues, benefits achieved, and the limitations and difficulties associated with the ERP.


ERP systems offer pervasive business functionality. Because of this pervasiveness, implementations have ranged from great successes to complete failures. Therefore, advice is frequently sought in selecting systems. However, we have concluded that there is no system that is best for all companies, but rather there is a process you can go through to find the right system for your company. The process starts with assembling a competent project team, addressing business needs, exploring alternatives, developing criteria, and making informed judgments that lead to a successful system.


Many companies find ERP systems help them make better-informed decisions. Others discover too late that their purchase has been based more on faith than good judgment, and run up tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars in extra costs and schedule delays (Sethi amp; King, 1994). How, then, can senior managers ensure that their companies build a sound business case for deploying ERP systems? And what can they do to guarantee that the promised benefits are not eclipsed by the costs of integration, process redesign, and training? One answer is to take a cost-based approach to the business case.

Hard returns, such as reduced headcount resulting from streamlined operations, are simple to predict and control but are only part of the picture. Soft returns, such as



企业资源计划 :一个基于成本的案例研究和实施评估

S. W. Han

Hi-Tech Consulting Center, LG CNS Co., Ltd., 8F, Prime Tower

#10– 1, Hoehyun-dong, 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100– 630, Korea


本文阐述了成功实施企业资源规划 (ERP)系统的几个关键性因素。本文对不同组织实施ERP系统的效果进行了评估。本研究使用的是案例研究方法, 以及调查了五个制造业公司的文件记录。同时,本研究探索提出了企业在对ERP系统进行选择时候的方法和基于成本的商业案例方法。使用一个ERP系统的关键因素被认为是学习他人的经验,任命一个项目流程负责人,建立 ERP 系统项目委员会和项目团队,为用户提供培训和技术支持, 并对组织结构和管理责任进行适当的调整。为了更有效地实现 ERP系统的目标和意义,我们建议建立一个专门针对企业实施 ERP 起支持性作用的企业文化和环境。


在整个上个世纪90年代,大多数的大型工业企业都应用了企业资源计划 (ERP)系统,该系统即为大规模的计算机应用程序,允许一个业务程序可以完成所有的操作 (财务、需求计划、人力资源、和订单 ) ,这些都基于一个集成的企业数据集。ERP系统可以为企业带来巨大的生产效率改善,例如,可以缩短订单和付款的间隔时间,降低对后勤员工的需求,降低库存,以及提高 企业的客户服务水平。 源于 ERP系统的这些作用,世界各地的企业在过去的十年中,投资在 ERP系统上的资金总共约 3000亿美元 (多利安和马尔科姆, 2000)。

最吸引许多企业首席信息官是什么呢?就是通过采用 ERP 系统后,可以取代以往复杂的和即将过时的应用程序系统,新的系统可以有一个有信誉的和稳定的供应商。比如:韩国的一个重要的石油公司,将设法关掉已经使用了70多年的旧系统,并使用新的ERP系统。通过输入客户信息和销售数据到 ERP 系统中, 制造商可以生成下一个周期的需求预测, 进而为所需要的原料生成一个原材料需求信息 生产计划、生产时间表和财务预测,并且密切跟踪企业的库存。

随着采用 ERP 系统的制造业公司的数量不断地增加,因此就有学者和研究人员对这方面的 研究产生了兴趣,他们研究这一技术的各个方面,涉及规划、实施、集成、管理和开发等 (Li,2000; 帕尔和尚克斯 ,2000; 萨姆纳 ,2000) 。这些研究案例中,包括:柯里在1996年对 20家英国公司的 ERP系统的应用情况研究,杰克库玛于1997 年对95个北美的信息系统进行了研究,以及贝森特和海伍德于 1999年对英国地区的ERP系统的使用和其他信息系统的应用情况研究。

2 .ERP系统的选择过程

ERP系统能够提供普遍的业务功能。由于这种普遍性,所以也导致了这样一种情况,即 有些企业成功了有些则失败了。因此,建议企业要有针对性地选择适合自己企业的 ERP 系统。经过研究,我们得出结论,没有一个通用的系统可以适用于所有的公司,而需要有一个过程去寻找最适合自己的系统。这一过程始于系统安装项目主管团队,他们必须做好这一步,立足于本企业的业务需求,探索最适合的方案,通过明智的判断,选择并应用一个成功的ERP体系。


许多公司发现 ERP 系统能够帮助他们作出更明智的决策。不过还有一些公司则认为他们 购买并应用 ERP 系统主要是基于这样的一个理念,即企业需要这个而系统, 而不是从企业实 际情况出发, 来决定是否要采用这一系统。 这些企业斥资数万甚至数亿美元的额外成本来安 装这一系统(塞西,1994)。那么,高级管理人员如何确保他们的公司可以部署 ERP 系统,并构建一个健全的业务案例呢 ? 他们能做什么来保证使用系统后能取得成本节约、流程再造 等方面的效果呢?一个很好的答案是基于成本的业务案例方法:

采用系统的反馈就是,比如简化了操作流程,不需要大批的与员工了,对订单需求等预测也更简单了,但这只是一小部分的好处。最直接的回报比如收入或员工生产力的增加等(戈里和莫顿,1971)。在评估信息系统投资时,这一问题是一种常见的现象(邓普西,德沃夏克,霍仑,马克和米汉,1998) 。

在ERP系统的帮助下,企业的资金和物资的投资回收期可以缩短,可以更好地将企业资金更好地用于企业运作中,是企业更好地对项目进行评估。ERP 系统帮助公司提高收入,或员工的工作积极性和工作效率能得到极大地提高。但部署这些的难度和费用较高,因此企业采用ERP系统进行供应链的管理时,应该综合考虑评估采用这一系统,企业所需付出的成本和收到的效果。





根据作者以前对ERP的研究(Park&Han,2002; Sohal等,2000)和文献,开发了一份访谈调查问卷并用于实地访谈。采访指南(调查问卷)侧重于调查程序,并确保所有地点的合理一致的调查程序(Gosse,1993)。对每家公司进行了几次访问。在与高级管理层(通常是董事总经理,总经理或计划经理)的首次会议期间,研究项目的目标和目标进行了详细描述和讨论。与高级管理层讨论的重点是组织整体战略、竞争优势基础、竞争平台、竞争环境以及公司在竞争力方面的表现,实施特定信息系统的原因,在规划和实施信息系统和信息系统对组织的好处。
















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