Factors associated with happiness in the elderly persons living in the community
Author links open overlay panelBruna MorettiLuchesiaNathalia Alvesde OliveiraaDaienede MoraisbRebeca Mendesde Paula PessoacSofia Cristina I.PavariniaMarcos Hortes N.Chagasab
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.archger.2017.10.006Get rights and content
bull;We evaluated factors associated with happiness in a sample of older adults.
bull;Being “not happy” was associated with satisfaction with life and age.
bull;Being “not happy” was associated with depression and social phobia.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate factors associated with happiness in a sample of Brazilian older adults.
A study was conducted with 263 elderly people in the area of coverage of a family health unit located in the state of Satilde;o Paulo, Brazil. The Subjective Happiness Scale was used to measure happiness, the final score of which determined one of three outcomes: not happy, intermediate, and happy. Disability, sociodemographic characteristics, and psychological, cognitive, and physical factors were considered for the multinomial logistic regression analysis.
Statistically significant differences were found among the three groups regarding satisfaction with life, disability, social phobia, anxiety, depression, and frailty (p le; 0.05). In the multinomial regression analysis, being “not happy” was significantly associated with satisfaction with life (RRR: 0.53), depression (RRR: 1.46), social phobia (RRR: 1.24), and age (RRR: 1.06).
The present findings indicate that psychological factors and age influence the levels of happiness in older adults living in the community. Furthermore, better screening, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders could increase the feeling of happiness among older adults.
Mental health
1. Introduction
Happiness regards the way that an individual considers different aspects of life and can be defined as a subjective expression of personal welfare that comprises an evaluation of onersquo;s own emotional state and satisfaction with life (Diener, 2006; Lyubomirsky amp; Lepper, 1999; Veenhoven, 2008). In recent years, happiness has been object of a large number of studies (Lobos, Lapo, amp; Schnettler, 2016). Onersquo;s level of happiness seems to be an important indicator of subjective welfare (Diener, 2006), with substantial effects on both physical and psychological health (Sumngern, Azeredo, Subgranon, Sungvorawongphana, amp; Matos, 2010) that can assist in obtaining a healthier way of life (Baruth et al., 2011) and expanding longevity (Sadler, Miller, Christensen, amp; McGue, 2011).
Despite the growing interest, happiness and its associated factors are rarely studied in the elderly population of low and middle income countries, such as Brazil (Lima, Barros, amp; Alves, 2012). In high-income countries, happiness is an important marker of successful aging (Sumngern et al., 2010), as factors associated with lower levels of happiness are more often found among older adults (Godoy-Izquierdo, Lara Moreno, Vaacute;zquez Peacute;rez, Araque Serrano, amp; Godoy Garciacute;a, 2013). Indeed, age is an important factor to consider, as happiness levels appear to decline with the advance in age (Baird, Lucas, amp; Donnellan, 2010
2.1. 设置和参与者
这项研究是在位于巴西圣保罗的圣卡洛斯市进行的。根据2010年人口普查,该市有28 696名60岁以上的居民,占总人口的12.92%(IBGE,2010年)。这项研究是在覆盖范围内进行的。家庭健康该单位位于圣卡洛斯的东南部,登记的有317名60岁或以上的人。在家访期间,44人被发现不在家中,或不再住在该地址,5人拒绝参加研究,2人卧床不起,3人没有完成幸福量表。因此,最后抽样由263名参加者组成。2016年3月至11月收集了数据。
生活满意度量表(SWLS)-巴西葡萄牙人已验证此量表(Gouveia,Milfonn,da Fonseca,amp;de J.A.P.F.,2009),包括五个得分从1(强烈不同意)到7(强烈同意)的陈述。最后的分数是以项目的平均数计算的,分数越高表示对生活的满意度就越高(迪纳,埃蒙斯,拉森,1985年).
巴西版迷你社交恐惧症调查(康纳,科巴克,丘吉尔,卡特泽尼克,amp;戴维森,2001年)-这是一个简短的自我报告工具,由社会恐惧症量表中的三个项目组成,用于测量社交焦虑症状,并已在巴西人口中得到验证(F de Osorio,Crippa,amp;Loureiro,2010年)。被调查者被要求在0到4分之间对以下3句话表示同意或不同意的程度:“害怕尴尬会使我避免做事情或与人交谈”;“我避免我是注意力中心的活动”;“尴尬或看起来愚蠢是我最害怕的事情”。最后一项得分为0到12分,较高的分数表示更大的社交恐惧症。
世界卫生组织残疾评估时间表(WHODAS 2.0)-这个量表用于评估六个领域的功能:认知、行动、自我照顾、相处、生活活动和参与(世界卫生组织,2010年)。在本研究中,使用了36项仪器(Silveira等人,2013年),总分被转换为0到100之间的等级,较高的分数表示更大的残疾。
根据SHS评分,将参与者分为三组:“不快乐”(N)。 = 92),“快乐”(n = 93)和中间(N) = 108)。平均SHS评分为5.1(SD:1.2)。在不同组中,“不快乐”组平均得分为3.87(plusmn;0.84)分,“快乐”组为6.58(plusmn;0.32)分,“不快乐”组为5.44(plusmn;0.30)分。中间群(P lt; 0.001). 表1显示参与者的社会人口学和临床特征。
表1. 不同组样本的特征。
共计(N) = 263) |
不高兴 = 92) |
中间(N) = 108) |
快乐(N) = 63) |
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