题 目 目的论视角下浅谈汉语成语英译外文翻译资料

 2022-11-18 14:41:28


题 目 目的论视角下浅谈汉语成语英译

二O一八 年五月六 日

毕 业 论 文(设 计)外文翻译(原文)

A Brief Introduction of Skopos Theory

Abstract: There are many theories of translation study, among which, Skopos theory is a new branch and can explain and instruct many translation activities. This paper puts forth some basic concepts of Skopos theory, introduces some basic rules of it, and concludes the merits and limitations of Skopos theory.

Key Words: Skopos theory, action, coherence, culture, adequacy, equivalence

1、A Brief History of Translation Studies

Writings on the subject of translating go far back in recorded history. The practice of translation was discussed by, for example, Cicero and Horace (first century BCE) and St Jerome (fourth century CE). In St. Jeromes case, his approach to translating the Greek Septuagint Bible into Latin would affect later translations of the Scriptures. Indeed, the translation of the Bible was to be - for well over a thousand years and especially during the Reformation in the sixteenth century - the battleground of conflicting ideologies in Western Europe. However, although the practice of translating is long established, the study of the field developed into an academic discipline only in the second half of the twentieth century. Before that, translation had normally been merely an element of language learning in modern language courses. The gearing of translation to language teaching and learning may partly explain why academia considered it to be of secondary status. Translation exercises were regarded as a means of learning a new language or of reading a foreign language text until one had the linguistic ability to read the original. Study of a work in translation was generally frowned upon once the student had acquired the necessary skills to read the original.
Another area in which translation became the subject of research was contrastive analysis. This is the study of two languages in contrast in an attempt to identify general and specific differences between them. It developed into a systematic area of research in the USA from the 1930s onwards and came to the fore in the 1960s and 1970s. Translations and translated examples provided much of the data in these studies. The contrastive approach heavily influenced other studies, which overtly stated their aim of assisting translation research. Nevertheless, the continued application of a linguistic approach in general, and specific linguistic models such as generative grammar or functional grammar has demonstrated an inherent and gut link with translation. While, in some universities, translation continues to be studied as a module on applied linguistics courses, the evolving field of translation studies can point to its own systematic models that have incorporated other linguistic models and developed them for its own purposes. The new focus is the specific study of what happens in and around translating and translation.
The more systematic, and mostly linguistic-oriented, approach to the study of translation began to emerge in the 1950s and 1960s. For examples:

Eugene Nida: incorporated elements of Chomskys then fashionable generative grammar as a theoretical underpinning of his books, which were initially designed to be practical manuals for Bible translators.

These more systematic and 'scientific' approaches in many ways began to mark out the territory of the academic investigation of translation. The word 'science' was used by Nida in the title of his 1964 book (Toward a Science of Translating).

A seminal paper in the development of the field as a distinct discipline was James S. Holmess The name and nature of translation studies. In his Contemporary Translation Theories, Gentzler describes Holmess paper as 'generally accepted as the founding statement for the field'. Crucially, Holmes puts forward an overall framework, describing what translation studies covers. This framework has subsequently been presented by the leading Israeli translation scholar Gideon Toury with a displaying map. The crucial role played by Holmess paper is the delineation of the potential of translation studies. However, this paper omits any mention of the individuality of the style, decision-making processes and working practices of human translators involved in the translation process.
The surge in translation studies since the 1970s has seen different areas of Holmess map come to the fore. Contrastive analysis has fallen by the wayside. The linguistic-oriented 'science' of translation has continued strongly in Germany, but the concept of equivalence associated with it has declined. Germany has seen the rise of theories centered on text types and text purpose, while the Halliday views language as a communicative act in a sociocultural context, which has been prominent over the past decades, especially in Australia and the UK, and has been applied to translation in a series of works by scholars.
The late 1970s and the 1980s also saw the rise of a descriptive approach that had its origins in comparative literature and Russian Formalism. In literary polycystic, amongst other things, different literatures and genres, including translated and non-translated works, compete for dominance.

For years, the practice of translation was considered to be derivative and secondary, an attitude that inevitably devalued any academic study of the activity. Now, after much neglect and repression, translation studies have become well established. It is making swift advances worldwide, although not without a hint of trepidati



题 目 目的论视角下浅谈汉语成语英译

学生姓名 吴思雨

学 号 20141310035

学 院 文学院

专 业 英语

指导教师 卢华国

二O一八 年五月六 日

毕 业 论 文(设 计)外文翻译(译文)





Eugene Nida将Chomsk当时流行的生成语法的元素作为他书籍的理论支持,最初被设计为圣经翻译的实用手册。

这些更系统和更“科学”的方法在许多方面开始归化着翻译学术调查的领域。Nida在其1964年的书(Toward a Science of Translating)中使用了“科学”一词。

James S. Holmes的翻译研究的名称和性质是作为一门独特的学科发展的开创性论文。在他的“当代翻译理论” 中,Gentzler将Holmes的论文描述为 “普遍接受的作为该领域普遍接受的创建宣言” 。至关重要的是,Holmes提出了一个总体框架,描述了翻译研究涵盖的内容。这个框架随后由以色列主要翻译学者吉迪恩图里以展示地图呈现。Holmes的论文所发挥的关键作用是描绘翻译研究的潜力。然而,本文忽略了在翻译过程翻译人员个人风格,决策过程和工作实践。





在翻译研究的历史中, 当人们评估翻译的质量时, 在很长一段时间内, 他们可能会把译文对原文的“对等”或“忠实”的程度作为最权威的标准来判断翻译成功与否。这种翻译评价模式过于刻板和简单。虽然这种趋势在指导翻译实践和规范翻译领域发挥了积极作用,但其他因素不应该被忽视,因为翻译是一项复杂的人类活动,翻译研究也应该具有描述性的。在这种情况下,目的论通过将翻译视为一种有目的的行为,试图在源文本和目标文本他们所处的地位,他们的关系,翻译的概念,译者的角色,翻译标准以及翻译策略方面开辟一个新的视角。

Hans Vermeer提出的目的论是1970年代德国功能主义翻译理论的核心。这个理论是翻译的新视角, 它不再受传统的源文本导向观点的限制。Vermeer发现,根据行动理论,每一个行动都有其目的,而且,由于翻译是一项行动,它也必然存在目的。


Skopos在希腊语中是 “目的” 或 “目的” 的意思,并在20世纪70年代由汉斯·维米尔引入到翻译理论中,作为翻译目的和翻译行动的专门术语。Hans Vermeer认为,文本的目的决定了翻译策略。他反对传统的以对等为基础的讨论原文或者是讨论对原文读者的影响或者讨论源文本作者的目的是翻译的决定性因素并将翻译行目的提到中心位置的理论。

在Christiane Nord的著作Translating as a Purposeful Activity-Functionalist Approaches Explained中她这样定义了目的论:目的论在希腊语中的意思是“目的” (将目的论的概念应用于翻译的理论),确定所有翻译过程的是主要原则是全文翻译行为的目的。

目的论的重点首先在于翻译的目的,它决定了为了产生功能上合适的结果而采用的翻译方法和策略。这个结果是Vermeer称之为translatum的TT。 因此,在目的论理论中,知道为什么要翻译ST,以及TT的功能对翻译者来说至关重要。


(1)Katharina Reiss的翻译批评的功能范畴。

(2)Hans Vermeer:目的论与超越。

(3)Justa Holz-Manttari的翻译行为理论。

(4)Christiane Nord的功能加忠诚论。

Katharina Reiss撰写的Possibilities and Limits of Translation Criticism一书可视为“德语翻译学术分析的起点”(Nord,2001)。Hans Vermeer放弃了等价理论,奠定了功能的基础理论:目的论(Skopos theory),他认为我们不能仅仅通过语言学来解决翻译中的所有问题,根据行动理论,人类行为在某种情况下是一种有目的的行为,他认为,翻译是一种基于源文本的翻译行为。因此,维米尔将他的理论命名为目的论(Skopos theory),即有目的的行为理论。读者是确定翻译目的的最重要因素之一。Justa Holz-Manttari于1981年提出“翻译行动”理论。该理论基于行动理论,旨在涵盖所有形式的跨文化交流。在她的模型中,翻译被定义为旨在实现特定目的的复杂行为。她非常重视翻译过程的可操作方面。 在这个过程中,分析了参与者的角色以及他们活动发生的环境条件。 通用术语是“翻译行动”。 翻译行动的目的是通过信息传递者转移消息克服文化和语言障碍的能力。

在她的作品Translating as a Purposeful Activity中,克里斯蒂安诺德承认Vermeer目的目的论的优点。然而,在她的书中,她也指出了目的论规则的相互依赖的缺点。一个缺点是由于TT期望的差异,翻译目的不可能满足所有目标读者。 另一个缺点是关于译者和ST作者的关系。如果翻译的目的要求译文的交际目的与原作者的意图相背,那么对可能目标的范围将不予限制。考虑到这些缺点,诺德提出了目的论理论的“忠诚原则”:翻译者在翻译交流中对合作伙伴的责任。



目的论为目的论提供了基础。Action 代表的是在在过程中采取行动,意思是“有意(任意)带来或阻止世界(自然界)的变化”(Wright,1968年,第38页,引自Nord 2001)。 因此,行动可以被定义为有意的“一个事件从一个阶段到另一个阶段的转变或者过渡”(Wright,1968年,第28页,引自Nord 2001)。 如果有两个或两个以上的代理人,行动理论可以成为互动理论。考虑到翻译过程涉及多个因素,翻译也是一种互动行为。功能主义方法的翻译理论家认为翻译是一种形式的翻译互动,如有意图的互动,人际互动,交际行为,跨文化行为和文本处理行为。强调每种关系的相互作用,这种定义拓宽了翻译研究的视野,有助于解释翻译的复杂性。


Skopos是一个希腊词,意思是“目的”根据目的论,整个翻译行为的目的是确定任何翻译过程的主要原则,这符合我们确定任何行动的意向性,我们可以区分翻译领域中三种可能的目的:翻译过程中译者的一般目标,目标文本在目标情境中所针对的交际目的,以及特定翻译策略或程序所针对的目的(Vermeer,1989a,p.100,引自Nord 2001)。尽管如此,术语目标通常指的是目标文本的目的。除了目的术语,Vermeer使用相关词的术语如aim, purpose, intention and function。为了避免概念混淆,Nord提出了意图和功能之间的基本区别(Nord,2001)。“意图”是从发送者的角度来定义的,他希望通过文本达到一定的目的,但最好的意图不能保证完美的结果,特别是在发送者和接收者的情况差别很大的情况下。这种区别在翻译中特别有用,发送者和接受者在定义上从属于不同的文化和情境环境。由于发送者和接受者之间的这种分离,意图和功能可能必须从两个不同的角度进行分析(Nord,2001)。维米尔认为在目的论指导下aim, purpose, intention和function意义是等价的,将它们包含在目的论的一般概念之下。对于任何翻译而言,排名最高的规则是“目的论规则”,它表明翻译行为是由其目的论决定的;也就是说,“最终证明手段是正当的”(Reiss和Vermeer,1984年,第101页,引自 Munday 2001)。 维米尔通过以下方式解释了目的论规则:每个文本都是为特定目的而生成的,并且写这个目的服务。


语内连贯性规定,翻译在意义上应该是可以被接受的,也就是翻译要与接收者的情况相符合,也就是说,目标文本接收者应该能够理解目标文本,并将其翻译成与自己的交际情境和文化相分一致。与此同时, 我们必须注意到,由于目标文本是根据源文本中提供的格式生成的,因此预计会与源文本产生某种关系。这种关系就是我们所说的“连贯性原则”或“忠实性原则”。




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