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Journal of Poetry Therapy, Vol. 15, No. 1, Fall 2001 ( C 2001)


Long Ago and Far Away: On the Use of Classical Chinese Poetry in Poetry Therapy

Charles Rossiter, Ph.D., CPT1

This brief report presents an analysis of classical Chinese poetry with respect to its usefulness in poetry therapy.

KEY WORDS: Chinese poetry; poetry therapy.

Chinese classical poetry has a long history and has exerted profound influence on the literature of various genres of later generations. The mutual penetration between styles has become a common phenomenon. The adoption of poetry is a common creative technique used by ancient essayists. When they create prose, they often create the artistic conception, meticulously conceive, meticulously select the image, and use the bixing, which makes the article poetic, poetic, poetic, and prominent poetic features.Classical Chinese poems have long been a source of poetic and personal inspiration for me. The so-called artistic conception is that the author gives his or her subjective feelings a certain artistic image, so that the reader can combine his own life practice and emotional experience in the process of appreciation of the works, and form a unique form in the mind through abundant association and imagination.The artistic conception of Chinese classical poetry is beautiful. The real life of our lives is endless and always changing. The air of life and the rhythm of spirit are reflected in the flow. The artistic conception of the poem must inevitably reflect the spirit of refinement, allowing the reader to truly enter the country and feel a dynamic beauty. 'Circumstances'. In short, the artistic beauty of classical poetry is not confined to the work itself. Instead, the work stimulates readers association and resonance through unique artistic techniques. It achieves the effect of endless words and no cliffs.Something about the quiet, introspective nature of these poems provides solace as well as a deep recognition, perhaps because they come from both long ago and far away, that there are experiences and feelings that we all share as human beings. This means that classical Chinese poetry should be a good source of poems for use in poetry therapy. I decided to look more closely at this body of work to see if this is, in fact, the case.From a reading of several hundred poems in readily available translations, I have identified the following four characteristics of classical Chinese poetry: brevity; straightforward diction; contemplative mood; and autobiographical content (Hamill, 1994, 2000; Hinton, 1993; Liu, Wu-chi amp; Irving Yucheng Lo, 1975; Pine, 2000; Rexroth, 1959, 1970; Snyder, 1966; Watson, 1970). This brief essay presents an analysis of classical Chinese poetry in terms of these characteristics in order to assess its usefulness for poetry therapy.


The Chinese have always advocated euphemism for subtlety, avoiding direct disclosure, and believe that works must be implicit and euphemistic in order to achieve infinite results. This tradition of classical aesthetics is vividly expressed in poetry..Nearly all classical Chinese poems fit on a single page. A great many are less than a dozen lines long and many consist of only four to eight lines. The physical size of the poem on the page is clearly unintimidating and a plus for use in poetry therapy.Classical poetry is short and refined, well-conceived, or sculpted in water, or thought-provoking, or inspirational, or ephemeral.Poetry is a poets highly condensed language. It permeates the poets thoughts, embodies the poets emotions, and reflects the humanistic qualities of the times.In Chinese classical poetry, five-character quatrains are only twenty words, seven-character quatrains are only twenty-eight words, and the small order in words is also two or thirty characters; archaic poems and arranging laws are relatively long, but one hundred sentences are Also very little. The conciseness and implication of the language form of Chinese classical poetry is extremely rare in the history of world poetry. Here, sculpting and implicitly juxtaposition are counted as one feature, because the two aspects cannot be separated. Only the expression of the richest meaning in the least language can be called scouring, but simply speaking less is not concise. So scouring is always related to implicitness. However, scouring does not mean that it is subtle, there are some straightforward poems, straightforward poems, and there are no expressions in the way of expression, but the meaning of performance is rich, it should be regarded as concise written.

Straightforward Diction

In Chinese classical poetry, five-character quatrains are only twenty words, seven-character quatrains are only twenty-eight words, and the small order in words is also two or thirty characters; archaic poems and arranging laws are relatively long, but one hundred sentences are Also very littleThe language of poetry is actually a special and mysterious symbol system. It not only contains an abstract systematized rational implication, but also contains the emotional beauty. Chinese ancient poetry is best at expressing the most abundant in the least language. The content and thoughts of this are the most refined features of ancient poetry..With classical Chinese poetry, there is little chance of not understanding what it being said at the surface level. The poems are plainly stated. Although subtle use of nature references to allude to aspects of the human condition might escape the hasty reader and diminish a poems power, wild surrealist leaps and obtuse poetic images are rarely found. Historical or literary allusions are typically explained in translators notes. This situation is a deep patriotism. The spirit of patriotism express


诗歌治疗杂志,Vol。 2001年秋季第15期,第1期(C 2001)




关键词:中国诗歌; 诗歌疗法。

中国古典诗歌源远流长,对后世各类体裁的文学都产生了十分深远的影响,文体之间的互相渗透成为一种普遍现象。以诗入文,是历代散文家们普遍采用的创作手法。他们在创作散文时往往像写诗一样,营造意境,精心构思,精心取象,妙用比兴,令文章诗情洋溢,诗意盎然,呈现出显著的诗化倾向,具有突出的诗性特征。中国古典诗词的意境,美在动感。我们生活的现实生活是生生不息,始终处在变化之中,生命之气、精神之韵均在流动中得以体现。诗词的意境必然要体现出精气神,让读者真正入境,感受到一种动态的美。所谓意境,是作者把自己的主观 情感赋予一定的艺术形象,使读者在欣赏作品的过程中,能够结合自己的生活实践和情感体验,通过丰富的联想和想象,在头脑中形成一种特有的“境象”。简而言之,古典诗词的意境美不限于作品本身,而是作品通过独特的艺术手法刺激读者产生联想和共鸣,达到言尽意无穷、思无崖的效果。中国古典诗歌一直是我诗歌和个人灵感的源泉。 关于这些诗的安静,内省的性质,提供了慰借以及深刻的认可,可能是因为它们来自很久以前和很久以前,都有我们作为人分享的经验和感受。这意味着中国古典诗歌应该成为诗歌治疗诗歌的良好来源。 我决定更仔细地研究这个工作组,看看事实是否如此。

从现成翻译的几百首诗歌中,我发现了中国古典诗歌的四个特点:简洁; 直截了当的文字; 沉思的心情; 和自传内容(哈米尔,1994,2000;韩丁,1993;刘,吴绮 &欧文余成罗,1975;松树,2000;力士乐 ,1959,1970;斯奈德,1966; 沃森,1970)。这篇简短的文章根据这些特征对中国古典诗歌进行了分析,以评估它对诗歌疗法的有用性。


几乎所有中国古典诗歌都集中在一个页面上。 很多人只有不到十几行,很多只有四到八行。页面上的诗歌的实际大小显然是不令人恐惧的,并且在诗歌疗法中有用。古典诗歌短小精悍,构思精巧,或尺水兴波,或代为之思,或卒章显志,或以景结情不胜枚举。诗歌是诗人高度凝炼的语言,它渗透着诗人的思想,饱含着诗人的情感,折射出时代的人文素养。中国的古典诗歌,五言绝句只有二十个字,七言绝句只有二十八个字,词中的小令也是二三十个字的居多;古体诗和排律比较长,但上百句的也很少。中国古典诗歌语言形式的精练和意蕴的深厚,在世界诗歌史上都是极为罕见的。这里将精练和含蓄并列在一起算作一个特点,因为这两方面是不能分开的。只有用最少的语言表现出最丰富的意思才能称为精练,光是话说得少是不能算精练的。所以精练总是同含蓄相关。但精练并不等于就是含蓄,有一些率直的诗,直抒胸臆的诗,表现手法上并不含蓄,但表现的意思比较丰富,也应该算是写得精练的。


中国人一直以来崇尚委婉含蓄,忌浅露直白,认为作品必须含蓄委婉,才能达到意味无穷的效果。这一古典美学传统在诗词中表现得淋漓尽致。中国的古典诗歌,五言绝句只有二十个字,七言绝句只有二十八个字,词中的小令也是二三十个字的居多;古体诗和排律比较长,但上百句的也很少。诗歌的语言实际上是一种特殊的、神秘的符号系统,它不但含有一种抽象化系统化的理性意蕴,更含有情感的美感.而中国的古代诗歌最擅长用最少的语言表现出最丰富的内容和思想,这就是古代诗歌极精炼的特点。用中国古典诗歌,很少有机会不理解它在表层所说的话。 这些诗清楚地说明了。 尽管巧妙地利用大自然提及暗示人类情况的方面可能会逃避匆忙的读者并削弱诗歌的力量,但很少发现狂野的超现实主义者跳跃和迷惑诗意的图像。 历史或文学典故通常在译者笔记中加以解释。 中国古典诗歌的简洁和直接,意味着几乎任何人都可以阅读和讨论它们。


情绪或语调倾向于安静和内省。 正如W.S.默温说:

中国古典诗歌的巨大财富并非由各种主题组成,甚至不是由各种各样的感受构成,而是由主体 - 通常是熟悉的 - 以及感受所引发的深度和清晰度和美味。 (在哈米尔,2000年,第20页)。任何一种文学形式的作品,无一例外都是主体(作家主观的思想感情)和客体(客观的自然界或社会生活)相统一或相融合的产物,但诗歌却是主体性最强、主体特征表现得最为鲜明的一种文学形式。任何作品,包括叙事文体的小说、戏剧在内,都不可能不表现作者的感情,可以说没有感情或者没有激情就不可能产生艺术,但诗歌却是各种文学形式中最富于激情和最具感情色彩的文体。即使是叙事诗也带有抒情的特色。也就是说,诗人对客观世界、对社会生活的把握和表现是情感式的。虽说诗人的感情也常常凝聚和蕴藏于艺术形象之中,而不是直接说出来的,但离开感情,我们就很难捕捉住诗的形象。这种情是深沉的爱国情。中国古典诗词所表达的爱国主义精神,贯穿三千年中国文学创作和发展史的全过程。这种情是浓烈的思乡情,这些古典诗词中的一草一木、一唱一吟,无一不是朴素、浓烈的乡土之情。因此,我们鉴赏诗歌时,对诗歌的把握方式也应该是情感式的。


中国古典诗歌通常是自传式的,揭示个人感受和叙述个人经验,是诗歌疗法使用的另一个加分。 诗歌中的声音模拟自我表露,这可能导致小组成员的有效披露。 但是,具体的自传内容如果要与客户有效地使用,还需要仔细检查和仔细判断。

许多诗歌都涉及到浪漫的爱情,悼念妻子或朋友的死亡,朋友的分离,面临老年,接受改变,欣赏大自然,前往不为人知的地方,失踪家乡和家庭,或处理财务问题等普遍经历。困境。 然而,这些自传体诗歌中的许多与慢性饮酒者的利用有关,并且可能不适合于有滥用药物问题的客户。 其他诗歌则表明可以采用不同甚至相反方式的人格特质。 例如,诗歌中的人物角色是强烈独立的,还是仅仅是以自我为中心和反社会的? 他/她是否接受现实或辞职? 他/她是追求自己的内心还是仅仅回避责任? 有时候,这种歧义可能对一个团体有用,有时候它可能不会。

“干部选集”中最快乐的一首诗(韩丁,1993)是“重返家园”,诗人庆祝放弃无聊的官僚工作,回到他的家庭,因为他的农场不成功。 尽管他几个月前刚刚接受了这项工作,因为他的家庭非常贫穷。“饭碗一直都是空的,”他决定必须退出并回来说:“。。。为什么要过这种悲惨的生活,这种孤独的悲伤。”尽管诗歌庆祝真正重要的是人和家庭而不是世俗财富这一观点,但这首诗的背景暗示了一个更复杂的场景,人们在决定 把诗介绍给一个小组。 对于一些团体来说,这首诗可能会提供一个极好的跳板来讨论生活中重要的事情。 对于那些需要更好地接受和履行社会责任的人来说,这首诗可能根本没有帮助。


总之,中国古典诗歌的形式,风格和情绪适用于许多诗歌治疗情境。 但是,内容需要根据个人情况进行评估,以便适用于不同的客户类型。 在个人层面上,任何对简短思想感兴趣的人都会发现这种文学的吸引力。

报告突出了诗歌的类型/流派,个人诗人或可识别的诗人“学校”,值得欢迎。 这些报告不一定要全面,而应该突出并包含重要和有用参考的注释。 发送有关简要报告的查询:,查尔斯罗西特博士,CPT,书评编辑,705 .冈德森·阿夫,橡树公园,伊尔60304。



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