Journal of Banking amp; Finance 26 (2002) 1143–1163
Pay at the executive suite: How do US banks compensate their top management teams?
James Ang a,*, Beni Lauterbach b, Ben Z. Schreiber c
Department of Finance, College of Business, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA
b School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 52900, Israel
Bank of Israel, Box 780, Jerusalem 91007, Israel
Received 14 January 1999; accepted 27 November 2000
This study examines how a large sample of US banks compensates their top management teams (i.e., the top four to five highest ranking executives in each bank). We observe two tiers of compensation in the executive suite: the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the rest of the top management team. CEOs receive not only greater pay in absolute dollar, but are also rewarded more in relation to performance, as manifested in having a larger portion of their pay in performance contingent compensation. Below the CEO, top executives have similar compensation structure and pay to performance elasticities. The results are robust to a significant size effect, and alternate measures of performance. 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
JEL classification: G21; G34; G14
Keywords: Executive compensation; Non-CEO top executives; Pay performance relations
This paper presents evidence on how 166 US banks of various asset values compensated their top management teams (the top four or five top executives in each bank) during the 1993–1996 period. One of our objectives is to extend previous studies on bank executive pay (e.g., Houston and James, 1995; Hubbard and Palia, 1995; Crawford et al., 1995) beyond the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position. We test
Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-850-644-8208; fax: 1-850-644-4225. E-mail address: (J. Ang).
0378-4266/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0378-4266(01)00165-0
for significant differences in pay levels and pay structure across the different executive ranks.
The compensation structure of top management teams is an important topic, especially when management decisions are viewed as a multi-person team task rather than an individualrsquo;s (CEO) sole responsibility. Zingales (2000), for instance, advocates the multi-person team view, pointing out that the new (and future) lsquo;lsquo;dot.comrsquo;rsquo; companies depend critically on the quality and lsquo;lsquo;bondrsquo;rsquo; between their top employees. Even in an old line or lsquo;lsquo;brick and mortarrsquo;rsquo; industry such as banking, a study of the compensations for members of top management is of interest for several reasons. First, the majority of firms still replace their departing CEOs from the ranks of their existing top management team. Different pay structures for top executives among firms may reveal information about these firmsrsquo; plans for succession. Second, in many instances, the top management team functions as a collective body, much like the more formalized management boards of European and Japanese companies. It is thus the management team and not just the CEO that should bear the bulk of the responsibility for the firmrsquo;s performance.
Compensation comparisons within top executive teams have not been receiving adequate attention, as most empirical research focused exclusively on the CEO position (see Murphy, 1999, for a review). Notable exceptions are two studies of pay structures among management teams. Murphy (1986) in a study of a broad sample of US corporations in the period 1964–1981 does not find any significant difference in pay to performance sensitivity between CEOs and their lower rank top executives. In a more recent study of a comprehensive sample of Israel firms, Ang et al. (1998) report significant variations in the compensation among top executives as function of the firmsrsquo; organizational structure, ownership structure, and performance.
In this study, we identify significant inter-rank differences in the structure of compensation and in the pay to performance relations. Using compensation data for the top five executives in 166 different banks, we observe a two-tier pay structure in the executive suite: CEO and the rest. Relative to lower ranking executives: (1) A larger proportion of CEOs compensation comes in the form of option awards and other performance contingent pay; and (2)CEOs pay performance elasticity isalso significantly higher. Differences among second-tier executives (executives in the number 2–5 position in the bank) are less clear and are generally statistically insignificant, although sometimes it is possible to identify a lsquo;lsquo;Number 2rsquo;rsquo; heir apparent above the lower rank executives. Our findings offer some stylized facts for future theories to explain.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the research issues. Section 3 describes the data. Section 4 presents the results, and Section 5 concludes.
Compensation schemes for top executives: Empirical issues
Pay levels
Economic models customarily explain why CEOs receive higher pay than their subordinate senior executives do as follows: CEOs are more competent or better qualified, and they have more responsibilities and have a larger impact on firm value. The debate is on the lsquo;lsquo;optimalrsquo;rsquo; magnitude of the pay differential.
Lazear and Rosen (1981) introduce the tournament model. They argue that when the CEO is paid much more than other senior managers are, these second-tier top executives would be highly motivated to perform well. The large pay differential drives them to compete in the management succession tournament in contention to be the next CEO. Thus, large pay differences at the top can improve firm performance. In contrast, Orsquo;Reilly et al. (1998)
杰姆斯昂a,, 贝尼.劳特巴赫b, 本·Z·施雷伯c
- 引言
- 工资水平
- 薪酬结构
以往对银行薪酬的实证研究(如Houston和James, 1995;哈伯德和帕里亚,1995年;Crawford et al., 1995)只研究ceo在不同银行环境下的薪酬绩效关系。我们将这一分析扩展到包括非首席执行官的高管及其薪酬形式(构成)。特别有趣的是不同级别的高管薪酬结构的比较。级别较低的高管的奖金和期权是否会减少?低层管理人员的薪酬绩效关系是否更弱?高管层的薪酬结构理论模型应该试图解释哪些程式化的事实?
- 数据
我们的样本包括三个最高薪酬级别中的每个级别的166名高管,第4高薪酬级别中的153名高管,以及第5高薪酬级别中的127名高管,共3112年。我们对166家银行进行了抽样调查,这与此前对美国银行高管薪酬的三项研究结果形成了鲜明对比。Hubbard和Palia(1995)使用了1981-1990年期间的147家银行,或总共1,202年的执行年,Houston和James(1995)研究了1980-1990年间134家银行的ceo, Crawford等人(1995)研究了1976-1988年间124家银行ceo的薪酬。
对于每一个银行,我们收集以下信息在每个高管的每个样本年(1993 - 1996):(1)年度基本工资,(2)年度现金红利,(3)年度长期薪酬(根据多年的性能目标的非选项奖,激励计划奖,等等),(4)新期权的价值,SNL用布莱克-斯科尔斯模型估计的一种近似值,和(5)的年度总薪酬。每年的总薪酬通常等于或略高于上述第(1)至(4)项的总和。这是由于“其他报酬”数额小而不重要,SNL无法将其归类为基本工资、奖金、长期报酬或期权授予。
表1给出了这些变量的描述性统计数据。小组A集中讨论各银行1993-1996年的平均财务数据。样本银行的平均总资产为147亿美元,中位数为21亿美元,最小的银行报告1993-1996年的平均总资产仅为1.28亿美元。规模的巨大差异也反映在股票市场价值的差异上。1993 - 1996年的平均股市价值从最低的$ 400万(最小的银行)到$ 268亿(最大的银行)不等,平均和中值分别为$ 18亿和$ 3.23亿。业绩指标(ROA、ROE和年化股票回报率)和风险指标(不良资产的百分比和杠杆率)也显示出相当大的差异。因此,该示例应该使我们能够在广泛的参数值范围内检查银行规模和性能的影响。
- 补偿测量
种类 平均数 中位数 |
S.D. |
最小数 |
最大数 |
面板 A: 所有时期 (1993–1996) 特征a 总资产 eth;$MTHORN; 14,696 2,116 |
36,888 |
128 |
251,233 |
资产回报率 – ROA (%) |
1.15 |
1.21 |
0.36 |
)0.33 |
2.20 |
股权市值- eth;$MTHORN; |
1,822 |
323 |
4,017 |
4 |
26,761 |
年度股票回报(%) |
21.07 |
19.50 |
9.09 |
0.67 |
50.20 |
不良资产(%) |
0.91 |
0.58 |
1.17 |
0.02 |
7.62 |
股本回报率 – ROE (%) |
13.15 |
13.55 |
4.33 |
)4.02 |
23.00 |
股本frac14;股权/资产比率(%) |
8.56 |
8.34 |
1.58 |
4.14 |
13.79 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |